Chapter 33

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"Just stay ere, kay? Keep the car runnin, I'll be right back, love." he ordered, as they set off for work the next day, but he insisted on halting two minutes in.  "You'd better be. Can't possibly run a clinic without a doctor, can I?" she called behind him as he took off in the opposite direction. "I hate this fuckin car!" she sighed in exasperation as she waited in the car for him, slumping into the car seat, bored with nothing better to do than switch on the non-functioning car radio and listen to the static emerging from it.
"Ere we go. Let's get goin!" he popped his head up at the car window a few minutes later, flashing her a toothy grin as she let him in on his return.  "Not until ya tell me what took ya so long. An' what's in the paper bag?" she enquired curiously, on seeing the brown bag he was clutching in his hands.  "A surprise. I'll show ya later." he replied, opening the glove compartment as he prepared to stash the bag away there.  "Can I see it now?" she insisted anxiously, quickly unfastening her seatbelt to lean in and examine the bag closely. She could only make out that it held a box...but what that box contained, she had no idea, but wished to find out. "D'you even know what surprise an' later mean? Just get to the clinic, Miller...I mean...Vitino." he ordered impatiently, protectively keeping it out of reach and accidentally suffering from slip of tongue before quickly correcting himself.   "Is there a surprise at the clinic too..?  An' just now... ya just called me Miller..." she caught on, her eyes still on the mysterious bag. "Wastin precious time, love." he mumbled, impatiently. " ya wanted me to take your last name...." she deduced, her eyes making their way up from the box and to his face, which showed signs of uneasiness. "You're askin me to marry ya, aren't ya?" she guessed, lighting up at just the thought of it.
"I was gonna. I had a whole thing planned for ya at the clinic, but I guess..." he revealed, grumbling at his unsuccessful attempt to conceal his surprise proposal, frowning as he pulled out the little Tiffany box,unwrapped the ribbon from around it and revealed the glittering custom-made diamond ring inside it . He rolled her eyes as she began to brag with a goofy grin- "I turned out to be too clever for ya, eh?"- before her cheapskate mind realized how much the pricey ring must have cost and she exclaimed in horror- " Wait a min....Is this why ya left me runnin the car? For a bloomin ring? Ya know ya cost me a whole lotta fuel...An' that ring must cost more than fuel too....! "  "Could ya get rid o' that mindset about us bein poor people...geez, woman! We're not poor anymore, ya know? We live in a huge mansion, a king size mattress to call our own an' I'm definitely buyin ya a new car. Oh, for chrissakes, woman! D'you want me to double yer salary? I mean, anythin for ya!" he interrupted, placing both hands on her shoulders and squeezing them reassuringly in order to divert her attention from the price. "Hush! I don't need a thing. Yer my only valuable an' I hope no-one steals ya from me." she shushed him with a finger to his lips, deciding not to argue with him over the cost but still hesitant about wearing such a valuable ornament. "Stop bein so cheesy an' stick out yer bloody finger!" he retorted, amused by her gesture to silence him, raising an eyebrow at it and swatting her hand away before holding the ring up, letting it catch the sunlight which filtered in through the dusty window of the parked car. It appeared even more beautiful and attractive as it glinted in the sunlight.
  A blushing  Elle held out her hand, trembling with excitement as she did. He struggled at first since she wouldn't keep still, but finally managed to slip the shiny ring onto her dainty finger. "W...what's wrong?" he asked, unsure about what to do as she began to tear up, sniffling and holding the ring close to her chest.  "Nothin. This's...I'm so happy!" she cried out excitedly, smiling through the tears and embracing him, running her fingers through his hair as she caressed it.  "Oh, good! Almost gave me a heart attack there! I thought I'd done or said somethin wrong. I've never proposed to anyone before...anyone sane, that is!" he whispered, heaving a sigh of relief before pulling away from her embrace. He lifted her chin up with a finger, facing her and wiping away a tear that'd trickled its way to her nose, planting a light kiss on it , before making his way down to her quivering lips and enveloping them in a passionate kiss as well.
Unfortunately for them, a pair of kohl-lined eyes had chanced upon the newly engaged couple's little celebration. Your happiness won't last, Hal thought to herself wickedly,peeking out at them from behind a curtain from her shop that was located not far from their car. She already had something brewing in her mind as soon as their car sped off.

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