Chapter 24

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He rolled over the next morning, only to find her gone. He remembered gently undressing her, leaving soft kisses on every part of her bare body as the clothing left her body and dropped to the floor. But, as he turned his attention to the floor where their clothes had been strewn, hers were missing. And for some reason, his trousers were nowhere to be seen either! He groaned as he sat up and pulled on what was left of his clothes. Fingers crossed, he locked up and hoped the previous night hadn't been just a one night stand.
"Oh...bollocks!" he cussed, realizing she'd driven home and now a long, awkward tube ride lay ahead for him. "Like what ya see?" he asked saucily, on noticing a lady flash him a naughty look on seeing him dressed only in a shirt, tie and boxers. He crossed his legs uncomfortably when he realized she'd turned her attention towards the hickeys that covered parts of his bare legs. Unfortunately, along with her naughty looks came a host of uncomfortable gazes from the other passengers and he was glad when the train pulled in at his station.
"Oh, mornin, Dr. Miller! Elle wanted to apologize for leavin ya behind like that. She was just worried that I'd skimp out on my breakfast or forget to take my medication...although I'm more than capable! Anyway, she already filled me in on why ya both stayed out so late." mumsy greeted from the breakfast table, as he let himself in with his spare key. "Huh! That's a weird thing to share with one's mother!" he muttered, raising an eyebrow on hearing her. "Yes, you two were digitizin medical records, weren't you? Whatever that means! I can tell it must be quite a tiring job by all that sweat glistenin in your hair." she continued with a smile, before digging into her scrambled eggs."Right! Yeah...really taskin job. I might've thrown my back out a wee bit!" he agreed, before making his way to the kitchen from where he heard a familiar voice waft out of.
"Doctor, not now. Mumsy's not even in the room!" she whispered, putting the phone down after she was done with it. "Her absence from the room didn't bother ya much last night..." he teased, as she struggled out of his intimate embrace. "Yeah...bout last night...." she began to utter, only to be interrupted as he reached behind her towards the countertop to pick up the catalogue lying there. "An' what's this I find on the kitchen counter? Fancy! " he exclaimed, mouthing the word fancy in an impressed manner. "Yes, that! Just came in the mail. Just talked to the realtor over the phone about it too. I was lookin at houses as a thank you present for all that ya put up with for me, ya know? An' you've just been so busy to look at em yourself too, so... It's just like your mansion, by the way. Same number of storeys an' everythin, doctor! Thought we'd go an' see it today. How bout it?" she explained as she pointed out to a photo of the large mansion she'd chosen for him, glad to see him light up like that. "I'd like that. Although....I kinda like my current livin arrangement better." he whispered suggestively, cozying up to her in the hopes of a kiss and nuzzling her soft, sweet-smelling hair while he was at it. "Then, it's done! Now, how bout some breakfast an' somethin for a hangover, yeah? Wear some pants, yeah? I sent yours over to the dry cleaners after ya sat in some gooey cookie residue last night." she revealed with that sunshiney smile of hers, before putting on a fresh pot of coffee for him and readying a bowl of his favorite fruit- freshly cut kiwi.

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