Chapter 31

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Cameo by Billie Piper as Helvetica Grey AKA Hal , a fortune teller who's got history with Dr. Miller.
"Oh...bollocks...! Did I press somethin other than the bloomin brakes again?! I knew I should've paid for proper drivin classes instead o' lettin ya teach me, Ms. Bossy!" the nervous doctor and first time driver cried out in panic, quickly unwrapping his sweaty palms from around the steering wheel as the car screeched to a halt. The couple were on their way to their new home (the mansion at Soho) when he'd insisted on driving. "Relax! Actually...don't relax...! Run!" she ordered, not worrying about it too much until the thick black smoke began to rise outta the bonnet and filled the car. "I swear I'm gonna snap some bones!" she muttered under her steamy breath, referring to a certain thieving mechanic, rubbing her gloved hands together as they climbed out of the stalled car and decided to walk the short distance to the house. "Ya couldn't leave behind the ex's stuff, eh?" he muttered with a frown, on noticing the boxes labelled Marc's stuff which she'd absent mindedly loaded into the trunk.  "Oh, bother! I dunno where my mind was when I did the packin...I'm so sorry! I'm gonna give up hoardin altogether!  It means nothin though. He means nothing to me!" she whispered apologetically, resting her palms on his shoulders as she kissed him assuringly. "We can just leave it ere, ya know? Car's probably gonna burst into flames any minute now, anyway!" he suggested, hauling out the rest of the luggage and placing it on the snow-covered curb before slamming the trunk shut. "Good riddance!" she agreed with a wicked grin.  "Gonna save those candles though. In case of power cuts, ya know?" he decided, on second thought. "Huh! I thought rich people didn't suffer from power cuts!" she teased,  abandoning the car and lugging their heavy baggage behind them as they walked hand in hand along the white curb for quite a long distance. "Well, then, I can think o'  a much better use for em. Perhaps in the boudoir. I can picture ya in some sexy lingerie, sippin wine, maybe we'd do things that involve soft cheese an' furry handcuffs an' naughty toys an'... " he whispered saucily, tucking her snowflake covered hair behind her ear and nuzzling her neck when she finally came to a stop and decided to rest against a gas street light. She wrapped her arms around him just to keep warm, giggling and shutting her eyes in pleasure. "Tarot cards?" she interrupted, suddenly opening her eyes on spotting a bright neon sign board come on just as the sun began to set on Soho. "Well, no, not really...not unless yer into role-play games involvin horny fortune tellers, of course!" he murmured, raising an eyebrow on hearing her. "No, behind you. A fortune teller. Let's go! About time my luck changed anyway!" she exclaimed ecstatically, pushing him away and putting an end to their intimate moment as she ran into the little shop and left him behind with the baggage.
"Love, where'd ya go? What's with all these bloody beads, anyway?!" he called out, struggling as he made his way past the beaded curtains and fairy lights that hung from every corner to illuminate the room, which strongly smelt of sandalwood. "I'm in here with the fortune teller!" he heard her call back. He found her sitting at a round table with her back to him, gazing into a crystal ball while a cloaked woman in front of her ran her painted, ring-adorned fingers over it. He rolled his eyes on seeing her absorbed in this time-consuming ritual, something he knew would've made mumsy's blood boil had she stuck around to see her sweet, Catholic daughter hanging about in a dimly lit, unChristian place like this!
But, this time, he felt his own blood run cold on seeing the face underneath the cloak. "Oh, there ya are! I could've got lost the...errr...Hal! It's ya...Helvetica Grey!" he greeted, stopping short as the fortune teller let her cloak fall back and unveiled her blonde locks, smoky eyes and a cunning grin underneath it.  "Long time, no see, sunshine." Hal greeted, her lips curling up to form a promiscuous smile on seeing him.  "D'you two know each other?" Elle enquired, curious on seeing their awkward interaction. "Sorta. Uh...the last time I saw er she peddled charms an' rabbit's feet at the Camden Passage flea market." he recounted, still frozen in place and eyeing her suspiciously from the doorway. "Oh...yah, that! I sorta went outta business after I threatened to put a curse on a fellow vendor! So, I set up shop here. Have a seat, sunshine. Lemme read your fortune, eh?" Hal explained, putting his suspicions to rest before patting the empty chair next to Elle and beckoning to him with a ringed finger, still smiling promiscuously as she did so. "Ya know what? I'm just not really into all this fortune tellin rubbish. Why don't we just blow this off an' take a walk, love?" a hesitant Dr. Miller stuttered, excusing himself and  refusing to stay another minute in the same room as the fortune teller. "No can do. I've already paid her an' it's chilly out. Besides, I'd like to hear all about how ya know my Miller, Ms. Grey. I'm stayin. You're free to walk though." Elle declared stubbornly, waving him off before turning back to Hal. No longer able to stand the cloaked woman's wandering eyes, he shuddered and decided to leave. He waited outside with the luggage. Even though he was still reluctant to leave his girlfriend with his voodoo doll wielding ex, he crossed his fingers and hoped and prayed that Hal wouldn't open up a can of worms from his past!

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