Chapter 6

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"Dr. Miller, guess you're leavin early today. Mrs. Montesco called to say she's cancellin cuz she's still a bit tired from her last appointm...oh, my God! I'm so sorry...! I didn't realise..." Elle began to explain, but stopped short, agape at the door . Sputtering apologetically, she backed away to her desk, slamming the door behind her as she did.  "I'm so sorry...I should've knocked or somethin..." she muttered apologetically as he made his way to her desk, buttoning up his shirt as he did. "I didn't mean to walk in on you an' Ms. Sully in the middle of an, uh...appointment." she continued, looking behind him at the now fully clothed Ms. Sully who hurried out of the clinic embarrassingly.
"That's alright. Sandra's walked in on me an' my patients a lotta times.Sometimes, even joined us...if ya know what I mean! " he accepted her apology, before winking at her saucily. "Ugh! I wish I'd been blinded by that bout of pinkeye! " she gagged in disgust, trying to get the images of Dr. Miller and Ms. Sully's sexual shenanigans out of her mind. "Oh...c'mon, sex is a beautiful thing. You act as if you've never made love before! You have...made love before, right? " he asked curiously, leaning in intently. "I'm not talkin about my sex life with you, Dr. Miller! " she replied, standing up and backing away from him as she prepared to leave. He snickered at her response and her secretive attitude. "Would ya look at the time! I'm late!" he exclaimed, jumping up on seeing the hands of the wall clock strike seven. "Not that it's any of my business....but, late for what? " she enquired, as she searched in her purse for the keys in order to lock up for the day. "Oh! There's this reunion bein thrown by my med school pals. Pretty posh. They'll be bringin their better halves, talkin about their kids, showin off an' stuff- The lot o' em!  Say...are ya doin anythin tonight? I need a date....An' I'm not s'possed to go out with any o' my patients! Single Scotsman in London, handsome an' a doctor...go figure, eh! " he requested, chuckling at the thought of his lonely life."You're not serious? You want me...your receptionist, to come with you?! " she exclaimed, surprised by his request. "Unless, you've got plans with this fella who's been textin ya non-stop. Boyfriend? " he whispered, staring anxiously at her phone vibrating atop the desk. "Yeah...He's actually live tweetin this event he's deejayin. Probably havin the time of his life too...Argh, sod it!  I'm comin with ya! Let's just stop at my place first an' I'll wear somethin nice...An' not too skimpy, so ya don't flirt with me at this party! " she finally agreed, feeling a tad distraught by her lack of a social life as she looked up from her tweet-laden phone screen before putting it away.
"You doctors, always rollin in cash, eh?" she muttered, sipping on her wine while watching the waiters elegantly walk across the shiny marble floor with trays laden with caviar, champagne and finger foods. He hummed in agreement, sipping on his Scotch as they stood at the bar and watched the couples dance under the grand, shimmery chandelier.  "Aye, we are quite rich, aren't we? Ya done with that wine? " he offered to take the empty glass off her hands. "What? " she asked, raising an eyebrow at him as he stretched out a hand towards her. It was unexpected, as she'd only accompanied him so he'd have someone to link arms with or so he could occasionally wrap an arm around her waist and introduce her as his gorgeous new girlfriend to his married colleagues and also to feast on the delicious spread there, while also sneaking some crab cakes into her purse when no-one was looking....but, she hadn't anticipated dancing. "May I have this dance? " he replied, turning on his charm and beckoning to the dance floor. "I haven't danced in a while...or been asked to in such a gentlemanly manner, really! " the girl with two left feet confessed, hesitantly allowing him to lead her to the dance floor, before they began to waltz...surprisingly, rather well! "I didn't think I'd be any good at this! Especially since, I learnt to dance from YouTube videos! " he confessed, letting out a chuckle as he got through it without stepping on any feet! "Really? Well, you're rather good. " she praised, on hearing him. "Aye! It's also how I learnt most o' the moves I pull off in the boudoir. YouTube channel run by some fella called Mister Sex..." he began to reveal too much with a boastful grin. "I really don't wanna hear about your online sex teacher or any of your boudoir shenanigans, Dr. Miller. Let's just continue dancing, please! " she interrupted as she felt herself beginning to gag again, before they resumed their waltz in silence.

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