Chapter 32

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"Did ya just toss a sprig of rosemary at me?" she recoiled in horror on receiving a handful of the herb tossed at her face. "I had to cleanse ya! Your whole aura stinks of naive! An' I don't like the naive ones." Hal muttered with a sneer, while Elle recovered from the shock and shook off rosemary sprigs that had lodged themselves in her hair. "I am not naive!" she defended herself to the judgmental sounding woman.  "You must be if you let yourself fall for him- the commitmentphobe!" came Hal's admonishing reply. "Oi! He fell for me first. Besides, he's a commitmentphile now." she defended him this time.  "He wasn't one the whole time we were married." she heard Hal mutter, narrowing her smokey eyes at her as she spoke.  "'re the bitch...I mean, the wife!" Elle realized. "He called me a bitch? I'm sure he meant a witch. We attended Wicca school together until he decided to drop out an' attend med school instead. That probably should've been my first clue- he couldn't even commit to Wicca!" Hal recounted, scoffing at his decision to change schools. Elle suppressed a chuckle on hearing that the doctor had possibly harbored a desire to become a wizard once upon a time!
"An' you're still intent on datin him even after all those women he slept with....or still might continue sleepin with?" Hal continued, drumming her long and sharp fingernails on the tabletop as she spoke. "Yeah...I mean, he's put that behind him, ya know? By the way, you know this.... how?" Elle whispered, leaning forward as she eyed her boyfriend's mysterious and spooky ex suspiciously. In response, she tapped at the crystal ball with those razor sharp looking nails with a wicked, know-it-all grin. "Whoa! Your powers must be really strong, eh?" Elle exclaimed, taken aback by her fortune-telling prowess  "Don't be daft! Didntcha see the website dedicated to your precious boyfriend? Dedicated to him, his patients, their sexual escapades together, etc, etc!" she explained, mocking her for her naivety. "Oh....right!" she muttered, embarrassingly.  "Anyway, he might say he's got eyes for only you, but I wouldn't trust him cuz he cheated a ton when we were married. Possibly the reason why I put a spell on him for his manhood to shrivel up..." she warned, a pleased smile spreading across her face as she reminisced about bewitching him. "Ugh! That's disturbin! Think I'm gonna leave. I don't really like ya talkin bout him that way. He's changed...Take my word for it, lady! An' his manhood is fine, by the way! So, I guess you're not that good at castin spells!"  she cried out insultingly, determined to take leave of the sharp tongued lady.She made up her mind to strike Wicca off the list of religions to choose from as soon as she left the strongly scented room (she'd decided to find a new religion ever since they were ousted from the church due to mumsy's spat an' news of Dr. Miller's womanizing past had spread like wildfire among fellow church goers.) 
"I'm guessin the palm-readin didn't go too well?" he enquired, as she hurried across the street to where he was standing and gazing at the display of a shop.  "Can we go home now?" she mumbled in response, not wanting to talk to him about what his ex had just warned her about and engulfing him in a warm embrace, her voice muffled by the soft fabric of his trench coat. She decided to pull him away as she noticed the spooky fortune teller stare at them from behind a curtain from her shop across the street. He looked back at the shop display again- The shop display with the following bold letters engraved on it: Tiffany and Co. In her hurry to escape from Hal, she'd failed to notice that he'd been busy admiring engagement rings. In fact, she didn't know it yet but he'd already made up his mind to present her with the perfect rock.
When they finally made it to the stoop of the house, she was still pondering over all the accusations that Hal had directed towards her Miller. "What say after we're done furnishin, we share a glass o' wine?" he suggested, running his thumb across her cheek and caressing her face as he noticed a deep furrow appear on his worried sweetheart's forehead. "I'd like that." she whispered, snapping out of her absent minded state and smiling on hearing him, looking up at their abode in a delighted manner. "An' since we've got the whole day to ourselves..No clinic to run off to, no patients to attend to...ya know, mostly cuz ya drove most o' my patients away..." he began teasingly, following her as she carefully climbed up the damp stairs that led to the front door.  "Just spit it out, Miller!" she interrupted, swinging her hand to playfully whack him for his teasing accusations, but missing as he ducked. "I was thinkin we'd fool around a bit..." he whispered, gently restraining his playful girlfriend against the dark mahogany door and pressing up against her. "That sounds like the most brilliant housewarmin gift ever!" she agreed, moaning in reply as he lost no time in showering her with kisses. She wrapped her arms around him, momentarily forgetting all about the wicked woman who'd gotten under her skin and instead preferring to focus on his tender hands as they got under her lacey blouse. Her body tingled under his touch as he ran his hands across it, made his way up and explored every inch of her with his ticklish fingers before deciding to resume the remainder of their intimate moment inside the home. She kissed him passionately as the thorough romantic proceeded to carry her over the threshold, kicking the door shut behind him and accidentally leaving all their luggage behind on the stoop.

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