Chapter 13

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The ash from the fire hadn't spared her either as it floated through the air, making its way to her hair which she washed carefully now. She'd hopped into the shower as soon as she'd returned home to wash the grime and soot off. She hadn't wanted to leave him alone there, but he deserved it! Besides, one of his rich pals could shelter him. He was to lucky that he had so many different mansions to choose from and could spend the night in any of em. She heard a tune waft from outside and began humming along. One of those mischievous furballs must've jumped onto the music player an' switched it on accidentally! she thought to herself as she stepped out, dancing and singing along to Pocketful of Sunshine, wearing only her towel since she was in the safety of her own home. "Aaaghh! You?! " she stopped short, letting out a scream on noticing the man from the charred house in her living room.
"Hiya! " he greeted in a childlike manner, looking at her half-naked form with an impressed grin while her young neighbor stifled a laugh. They were both sweaty from the dance game that they were playing on Marc's Wii before she walked in on them. "Ronnie, go to bed right now! What're ya doin in here?! Who let you in here?! " she demanded to know. "Oi, mate! We're gonna finish this later, kay? " he called out behind him, high-fiving the boy and flashing him a goofy grin before he dragged his feet to the bedroom sulkily. "Right! Don't get yer knickers in a twist, love! Yer landlady let me in. I don't have anywhere else to go. Lost my wallet in the fire, so I can't check into a hotel either. I don't have anywhere else to go." he replied. "What bout your rich doctor friends? Can't you stay with one of em? " she asked, suspiciously. "Are ya pullin my leg? They're all married. An' ya know how I am around beautiful, married women...! I shag anythin that moves...Ya said so yerself! I'd be out on my arse in a minute! Fortunately, I've you. My hard to woo receptionist, who's always rejected my every every trick to try and get friendly with ya! Although, after tonight...I think things might change between us, eh, love? " he remarked, his lustful eyes still fixed on her wet, towel-clad body. "Wait a min...I don't have a landlady, Dr. Miller." she snapped him back into reality, narrowing her eyes at him.
"Aye, of course, you do! Then, who was that beauty I just wooed outside? Had to get into er pants just to get in ere. Ya might wanna stay outta the laundry room...It's a mess!" he explained, boisterously. "That wasn't my landlady. That was my landlord's daughter! " she corrected, slapping her palm against her forehead, gripping the towel with the other hand while nodding in disgust at the womanizing doctor's behaviour to gain access to her home.
"Oh! Well...sorry I accidentally woke yer lil nephew." he apologized. "What makes you think Ronnie's my nephew? " she enquired, heading to the bathroom to get rid of that flimsy towel and put on some fresh clothes to protect her modesty from him. "He isn't? I always thought o' ya as one o' those sad aunts who's always babysittin er nieces an' nephews while their parents are away cuz yer so alone an' have always longed for kids o' yer own. Nice, humble flat you've got ere." he rambled on, looking around her small apartment while she changed. "I'm not one of those, kay?! Although, his parents are outta town an' needed someone to watch him. They live next door." she explained, drying her hair while she was in there. "Oh! So, yer one o' those sad neighbors, eh? Well, atleast I was right bout the cats. I always knew you'd turn out to be a crazy cat lady! Their incessant meowing better not keep me up." he mocked, noticing a feline takeover of her couch! "Oi! Why dontcha keep your thoughts an' opinions to yourself, doctor! Those are Ronnie's pets. I'm s'possed to feed em...An' keep em off my couch, the mischievous furballs! " she defended herself with a scowl, stepping out in her PJs before shooing them off the couch (which was already fully covered in fur now!) She'd wanted to kick his judgemental, insulting arse to the curb, but let him stay as he was her boss and had nowhere to go....An' who could resist that puppy face?

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