Chapter 35

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Nina insisted on hacking off his testicles after she realized what'd happened, but fortunately, Elle called it off before her frenzied friend had the chance to sharpen the Swiss knife she carried in her knockoff Prada purse all the time! She was too distraught to think straight and needed to get away from the cheating, womanizing doctor. She walked along the curb in a dazed manner, dabbing at her tearful eyes while Nina hailed a cab and he followed them, calling out to her, but in vain.
"Mumsy said it. They called it...everyone did! But I just wouldn't listen to em....Pushed em all away!" she finally found her voice, wriggling out of his grasp as he caught hold of her arm to stop her. Not letting him speak, she continued- "I think we need a break." "What?!" he exclaimed in disbelief, her sudden declaration sending a thousand daggers piercing through his heart.
"An' what's next, eh?" he demanded to know. "What d'you mean by that ?" she asked, quizzically. Nina motioned to the cab driver to wait awhile till her friend was finished with her conversation and cracked the window in the hopes of eavesdropping, but careful not to butt in.
"Well, I'm no expert, but after watchin FRIENDS which ya forced me to watch, I'm thinkin no good comes outta a break. We're probably never gonna get back together, are we?" he prophecized, cornering her and pinning her against the cab door, desperately trying to cling on to her. "I just need time to think, kay? I caught ya kissin yer ex.... An' now I'm in a bloody fix, ok?!" she blurted out, unable to look him in the eyes as she looked away. There was a long awkward pause after that. The only sounds were the incessant grumbling of the impatient cab driver and Nina ordering him to shut his trap so she could hear better.
"Why would ya do that, huh?! Sleep with her?" it was a heartbroken Elle's turn to demand an explanation from him. "There was no sleepin involved!" he insisted upon his innocence. "Oh, of course not! With Doc Juan there's always more than just sleepin..." she remarked sarcastically, deliberately referring to him by that stupid nickname which made him flinch. "No! I didn't mean....I meant, nothin happened! No-one slept with anyone!" he continued to defend himself, truthfully. But all she could hear were lies! "Right! That was just a routine checkup, I s'posse? Tell me, doctor, d'you always examine yer patients half-naked? I mean, ya did....But that was long before ya proposed to me....or have ya forgotten?" she continued with her sarcasm, before flashing him the ring that she still hadn't the courage to remove. "Yer overreactin, Elle. I'd never hurt ya....or cheat on ya....or do anythin to ruin what we have." he whispered, his voice heavy with emotion as he clasped her hands in his, as if to prevent her from slipping the ring off her finger (she was working hard at loosening it off her lanky finger now)...or atleast in an attempt to remind her how much he still loved her. But, he'd already lost her.
"What we have is a broken engagement, doctor. I'm callin the weddin off an' I'm callin it quits on this relationship, which was probably screwed up from the start!" she declared, making up her mind as she succeeded in getting rid of his godforsaken diamond ring and returning it to him. She pushed him away and startled, he backed away. She turned her back on him and the cab driver heaved a sigh of relief as she proceeded to step into the cab with Nina holding the door open for her. Midway, she stopped short and turned towards him again.
"Just outta this curiosity that's been eatin me up on the inside, doctor....Why would ya wanna sleep with her of all people? I know she's your ex an' there's possibly some unresolved feelings there...But, seriously, her?! She's even more messed up than the Kardashians combined! Gettin back together with her of all people?!" Elle enquired, pointing out his ex-wife's flaws in disgust. "There was nothin o' that sort goin on. There was no gettin back together....if you'd only just gimme a chance to explain....please, Elle! It was just a big mis..." he continued to defend, stretching a hand out and offering her the ring, in the hopes she'd take him back. But, she rejected it. "A mistake? I know. It's always a bloody mistake when ya cheat on your fiancee with a cuckoo ex. It was a mistake when Marc did it too! Doctor, don't ya dare call me... Even mistakenly dial my digits! We're through." she warned, throwing her hands up before entering the cab and slamming the door behind her. She didn't know where she was headed, but she knew she wasn't going to return to Dr. Miller or to his clinic ever again.
"A misunderstandin. That's what I meant to say. Not a mistake.... Just a misunderstandin, Elle." he completed the sentence she hadn't let him finish, clutching the ring and pocketing it, standing on the curb with his head held low and tears rolling down his cheeks.
A scantily dressed Hal was still lying atop the examining table upon his return. "Oh, good! You're back! I thought you'd never come back once you'd gone after her." he heard the evil woman responsible for the breakup tease with a seductive smile as he made his way back to the clinic in a forlorn manner. Try as he could, he couldn't ignore her so he grunted in reply. "Well, I can', that she won't have me back, anyway." he retorted, waiting at the doorway and as far away from her as he could. "So, we can finish what we'd started...?" she whispered suggestively, inching towards him and pulling him towards herself by his necktie. "No, ya started it." he corrected accusingly, glaring at her. "Gotta admit we had some fun though." she exclaimed shamelessly, chewing her bottom lip as she spoke, not backing down. "Ya had all the fun. Funtime's o'er now an' I think ya oughta leave." he ordered, pushing her away with a sneer. "Awww....c'mon...." she insisted on staying in a childlike manner. "I've only made love to women. Please don't be the first one I've been inclined to hit. Get out!" he snapped, scaring the bejesus out of her.

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