Chapter One

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Sakura was walking towards the Hokage tower for her report on her mission. She had successfully been able at collecting the herbs needed for the hospital. She walked along until she heard someone yelling.

"Watch out!" A boy yelled at her. Sakura quickly caught the ball that had been hurdling at her. She smiled as she handed it back to the group of young boys.

"We're sorry Sakura-san!" A boy apologized. Sakura chuckled.

"It's quite alright Senri. You guys have fun, I have to report to the Hokage."

"Thank you Sakura-san!"

"Yeah, you're the best!" Sakura smiled and waved goodbye as she continued to walk to the Hokage tower. She had reached the door and was about to knock until she heard Naruto's voice.

"We would like to take Karin as a replacement for Sakura."

"Why not take Sakura?" Tsunade asked.

"We can't be protecting her constantly." She heard Naruto hesitating.

"What he means to say is that Sakura is too weak for the mission. She will only get in the way." Sasuke said. Tears swelled in Sakura's eyes.

"I agree that we should take Karin. She has the ability to heal." Kakashi said.

"You know Sakura is the best medic ninja in the world, right?" Tsunade asked. Sakura could feel Tsunade's eyebrow lift up.

"Healing won't matter if she can't defend herself. Last mission, she nearly got us killed because she got caught." Sasuke replied cooly. It wasn't my fault. The ninjas had noticed Naruto's chakra and I didn't want them to find him. So I allowed myself to get captured.

"We only want her to be safe." Naruto added.

"She's better off as a medic, where she won't be hurt." Sasuke commented. Tears were streaming down her eyes. She couldn't believe what she was hearing. She wiped her tears away and continued to listen.

"You do realize that this mission will take approximately three months? Are you sure you don't want Sakura in it? She is part of your team." Tsunade said.

"Three months of watching and protecting Sakura? No thanks." Sasuke said bitterly. Tsunade sighed.

"You will leave in an hour. Dismissed." When the team walked out, they saw Sakura walking towards the office. She decided it was best to pretend as if she hadn't heard anything.

"Hi guys! I heard you were going on a mission. Good luck!" Sakura smiled brightly at them. The team glanced at each other with an uncertain look.

"Thank you Sakura." Kakashi said.

"When we come back, let's all go to the ramen shop!" Naruto grinned widely at her.


"I have to go talk to Lady Tsunade, have fun on your mission!" Sakura smiled at them before leaving them

"Well, she took it pretty well." Naruto whispered.

"Let's go." Kakashi ordered. Sakura walked knocked on the door and entered when Tsunade told her.

"I'm assuming you heard our conversation."


"I tried to get them to take you." Sakura smiled.

"I wouldn't want to drag them and I want them to be happy. Even if it means that I can't be with them. I'll do anything to protect them." Tsunade sighed.

"Don't listen to them. They are completely wrong about you. You are strong, even stronger than me." Sakura continued to smile.

"It's ok Lady Tsunade, everyone has their own opinion and we all have to respect it." Tsunade sighed again.

"You can leave now." Sakura bowed and exited the office. She headed towards the training ground near the forest. She let the smile drop and put her gloves on. She punched the floor in anger and the ground had opened up completely. She let her emotions take over her as she trained. She was angry as she punched everything. She felt betrayed and practiced her jutsus. And she felt sad. She let out a sob as she fell to the ground. She let all of her sadness flow out and she cried. She felt two chakra's coming towards her but she ignored it. The chakras stopped five meters away from her. She collected herself and glared at the two chakras that stood near her.

"I know you're there, come out already." She heard her voice cracking, but she couldn't care less. The two figures came towards her until it revealed two Uchihas. Shisui and Itachi Uchiha. She quickly wiped her tears away and bowed at them. "Forgive me for my rude behavior Uchiha-san." The two exchanged a confused look.

"You do not need to bow." Itachi finally said. Sakura nodded and stood up straight.

"Did you do all this?" Shisui gestured to the destroyed training ground.

"Yes, I am sorry."

"What's gotten you so upset that you destroyed the training ground?" Shisui asked.

"My team has left me behind and took Karin as my replacement." Sakura's voice wavered and tears threatened to spill. She was taken by surprise when Shisui hugged her.

"You can let it all out." Shisui hugged her. Sakura relaxed and released her tears but refused to make a noise.

"My foolish little brother left you behind? Why?"

"They said I would slow them down, that I was too weak to defend myself." Itachi looked at her confused.

"But you've surpassed Tsunade."

"Yes." Sakura didn't want to talk about it anymore than she had to. "What brings you both to the forest?"

"Itachi and I finished our mission and we were on our way to the Hokage tower till we heard crashing." Sakura nodded.

"I'm very sorry for interrupting you two."


"It's ok. Would you like to eat with us?" Shisui offered. Sakura was about to refuse but her stomach growled. She blushed.

"I guess." She muttered. Sakura picked up all of her weapons and walked with them into town. Sakura noticed that they were in their ANBU uniforms. "Did you come back from an ANBU mission or something."

"Aah." Itachi said.

"How did you know where we were? We hid our chakras."

"Oh, for some reason, I can feel chakras even when its hidden." They walked into a restaurant and sat near the window.

"You know, you have quite the reputation." Shisui teased her. Sakura felt her embarassment rise to her cheeks and she smiled shyly..


"Yeah, everyone is always talking about how you healed their family member. Or how you gave up your groceries to the hungry kids. And your strength," Shisui whistled at the blushing girl, "I heard you took on five S-ranked rogues and beat them." Sakura blushed and nodded.

"You should join the ANBU. You would surely get in."

"But I can't leave my team."

"Apparently they can leave you though." Itachi said. Sakura sighed as she remembered the earlier events. Shisui elbowed Itachi who grunted.

"You have potential. We could even train you." Shisui offered.

"Really?!" Sakura asked excitedly. Shisui laughed at the pinkette.

"If you want us to. Itachi even agrees." Itachi began to speak but was pinched by Shisui. Itachi sighed, giving Shisui the signal that he gave up.

"Aah." Sakura considered it for a moment before answering. She smiled at them.

"Sure, why not?" Shisui cheered and Itachi nodded. They continued to talk until it was time to leave. Sakura pulled out her money but was stopped by Shisui.

"The gentlemen always pays for the lady."

"Didn't realized you were a gentleman, Shisui." Itachi muttered sarcastically. Sakura giggled at Itachi's remark and smiled fondly at the talkative Uchiha.

"Thank you Shisui."

"Meet us at the training field near the river. Practice begins at nine. See ya there." Shisui said to Sakura. She nodded as she walked home.

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