Chapter Twenty-three

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Sakura kicked the blue man's head to wake him up. She heard him cuss as he sat up.

"Welcome back." She greeted sarcastically. Screams echoed from the cell next to Kisame's cell. Even with a thick wall separating the cells, the screams bounced loud and clear. She smirked at him. "That will be you if you don't start talking."

"Sorry, no can do Pinky." He twirled his fingers at her, revealing sharp teeths as he grinned. She simply snapped the finger he flaunted at her and smiled.

"Who is the leader of your organization?" Kisame growled at her, reaching for his sword. He realized that Samehada was not on his back.

"Where's my sword?!" He roared, anger filling the room. She was unaffected by his tone and looked at her nails.

"Who's the leader of your organization." He charged at her and was slammed against the wall.

"Fuck!" He yelled, angry that a girl half his size managed to pin him.

"Let me tell you a couple things about myself. One, I hate liars. I know when people lie." She ripped him off from the wall and smashed him into the ground.

"Two, I have very low patience." She said, stepping on his fingers as his bones crunched under her weight.

"Three..." She held him by the throat. Her eyes closed for a moment before opening once more. Sharingans replaced her emerald eyes as the tomoes spun dangerously. "This isn't the only thing way I can get you to talk. The room faded from his vision, replaced by a dark field. He hung from a cross, arms and legs bounded to the pole. She appeared infront of him, malice smile lingered on her face.

"That's impossible! You aren't an Uchiha!"

"Who is the leader of your organization?" The ropes felt like they were tightening with every movement he made. They wrapped around his limbs like a snake and he ceased to move.

"None of ya business!" He yelled back. He screamed when he felt a blade slide through his side.

"What was that?" She asked, not bothering to acknowledge that she had just impaled him with a sword.

"Nobody!" His arms began to burn, he watched as it began to dissolve. "Pein! His name is Pein!" The burning sensation halted, her lips twisted upwards, pleased with his confession.

"Good sharky. Next question. Where is the hideout?" Kisame weighted his options, if he told her where it was, he was sure to be killed. If he didn't tell, he was sure to be tortured to death. He screamed when the searing pain returned to his arms. Horrified that his left arm had completely dissolved, the right arm began to ravage with pain.

"Near the Suna!" His screams echoed through the eternal darkness. Pleased how things were going, she continued her questions.

"How many members? Name them."

"I-I don't know them!" He screamed in agony as the sword plunged into his left eye.

"Are you sure? I could of sworn I heard your heart skip a beat."

"Deidara, Sasori, Kakuzu, Hidan, Tobi, Zetsu, Konan, and our leader Pein." He quickly listed the names, begging her to take the sword out.

"What is Orochimaru planning?"

"I don't know." The sword twisted in his eye, liquifying with every movement. "He's planning to attack Konoha!" She ceased to move her sword. "I don't know when, but the Akatsuki has allied with him."

"Who else is allied?"

"The mist village, rain village, sound village, and a couple rogue villages."

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