Chapter Twenty-nine

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There were several knocks on the bathroom door but she didn't seem to hear it. She was numb. The distant voices of the girls yelling her name did not register in her mind. Hell, the stick's information didn't register. The door was broken off its hinges. Ino hugfed the frozen girl who held the pregnancy test.

"S-Sakura?" Hinata touched her face softly.


"Shhh, come on, let's go to the living room." Temari, Tenten and Ino guided her to the couch and set her down.

"I-I'm not pregnant."

"Is that good?" They honestly couldn't tell anymore. Sakura's unwavering expression of looking mortified scared them.

"Y-yes. But..."

"But what?" Temari asked as she stroked Sakura's hand.

"If I'm not pregnant, then I've been poisoned." The announcement froze everybody. Their muscles tightened.

"What?" Ino managed to choke out.

"For the past week, I've been getting stomach aches. Throwing up."

"Maybe we should try another test." Tenten suggested weakly.

"This is my third test."

"Oh Kami."

"We need to find out who's doing this."

"I have to go to Itachi, now." The girls nodded and followed her to the Uchiha compound. Sakura felt another chakra in their bedroom, besides Itachi's chakra. She hid her chakra and listened closely.

"Izumi, stop it."

"You know I love you." A female voice cried out.

"I'm engaged."

"With the wrong person. Come on, we dated for two years."

"Indeed. But that is in the past. I am in love with my fiancé."

"Do you not love me then?" Silence fell between the two.

"Izumi I-"

"I love you."

"I loved you too. But-"

"Then why can't you leave her?"

"Because I love her."

"I love you more than she does! Please Itachi! I want to marry you."

"I do not want to marry you."

"I know you still love me. I'll prove it. I'll show you one of the reasons why you loved me." Sakura listened to the sound of her clothes dropping. She could hear Itachi groaning.

"Izumi, stop it."

"You know you love this body." A thump could be heard. Sakura could hear the girl moaning and the sounds of wet kisses. It was time for her to reveal herself. She slammed the door open. Itachi held the girl against the wall. Her legs wrapped around Itachi's waist. His hands were at her hips while his lips moved with Izumi's lips.

"Sakura-" She ignored him and marched in front of the girl. With a single hand, Izumi was being held by her throat. Green eyes were replaced by sharingans and Izumi found herself tied to a post.

"You poisoned me."

"I-I don't know what you're talking about." Sakura smirked sadistically as she sliced Izumi's left arm off. The girl screamed in agony as the blood squirted out of the bloodly stump.

"You poisoned me."


"Yes or no."

"I did."

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