Chapter Eight

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"We need to talk."

"Damn right! You have no right going through my stuff!" She yelled at him as she pushed him. She grabbed the pills from his hands and threw them in the backpack.

"Why do you have those pills?"

"It's none of your damn business!" She snapped at him. She swung her leg at Itachi, who caught it with his hand.

"You will answer me. I am your leader."

"And I'm your fucking teammate. Whoop-de-fucking-do, you figured it out." She snapped at him. Itachi slammed her against the wall, growling at her.

"You will respect me."

"The day you respect me." She pushed him off violently.

"Taicho-san? Blossom-san? Are you ready." Shisui called.

"We will talk about this later." Sakura slapped him. A smack could be heard clearly throughout the room.

"You will leave me the fuck alone. I don't go through your stuff, do I?"

"I could have you suspended."

"And I can quit." She threatened him.

"I will be holding these until you tell me why you have them."

"Like hell you will!" Sakura yelled at him. Itachi felt his vein pumping hard.

"Answer my question, why do you have these pills.?"

"Why are you looking through my stuff?!" Itachi grabbed her arms and slammed her against the wall.

"Do not talk back to me."

"Fuck you Itachi!" She head-butted him and kicked him to the wall. She flickered over him and held him by the throat. "Give me my fucking pills." He twisted her arms around her back, roughly pinning her to the wall once more.


"I HATE YOU!" Shisui opened the door only to receive death glares and a room full of tension.

"I really hate to interrupt, but we need to leave." They packed their stuff quietly and met up with Shisui at the gate. Shisui could feel the tension between them and knew it was best if he stayed quiet. They didn't even bother to set up camp for the night, they just continued to run and stopped infront of the gates to Konoha. Once they gained approval, they headed towards the Hokage tower.

"I take it that the mission was a success?" Tsunade said rather than asking.


"Leave a report and get some rest. Shisui, stay, you two, dismissed."

"Hai!" Once Sakura and Itachi left, Tsunade sighed.

"Alright, what happened between them? I could literally feel the tension."

"I honestly have no idea, she seemed to be fine when we headed towards the hotel. I heard her yelling at Itachi. Something about, 'you have no right going through my stuff.' And Itachi asked, 'why do you have those pills.'" Tsunade sighed once again, rubbing her temples.


"Hai." Shisui was headed towards the Uchiha complex when he heard an explosion from afar. He ran towrards the explosion and saw Sakura under a pile of rubble. "Sakura?!"

"Get this off of me!" She wheezed. He quickly threw the rubbish of her and she healed herself.

"What happened?"

"I don't know, I open the door and my apartment explodes." Her eyes widened and she ran towards her room, what was left of it. "No, no, no, no no nonono." She panicked.

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