Chapter Eleven

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When his alarm went off, Itachi smashed it into pieces. He was pissed at himself for the previous night. He had planned to tell her how he truly felt. Shisui barged into his room yelling.

"Good morning little cousin!!" Itachi glared at him and launched a set of shurikens at him. Shisui dodged them quickly. "Someone's in a bad mood today."

"Hn." Itachi threw the covers over him, hoping Shisui would leave him. Shisui being Shisui, ripped the covers off of him and Itachi pointed a kunai at his chest.

"Come on, Mikoto said to wake you, Sasuke, and Sakura up for breakfast." Itachi groaned internally before picking himself out of bed. He didn't even bother putting a shirt on as he walked behind Shisui. Shisui slammed Sasuke's door open.

"Wake up Cuz!!!" He yelled.

"Shisui, shut the fuck up, it's early in the morning." Sasuke muttered. "Also, you don't want to piss Sakura up do you?" Itachi peered behind Shisui and saw someone lying next to Sasuke.

"It's alright, I was up already." Sakura said as she yawned and sat up. Itachi stared at her. Emotions ran through him, ones he could not identify. Was it...jealousy? Sakura stood up and stretched before opening Sasuke's clothes drawer. She had only wore a tank top and her underwear to sleep, like she usually did. She dressed herself in Sasuke's sweatpants.

"Sakura, Naruto wants to meet us for ramen." Sasuke said as he stretched his arms.

"M'kay, let's go."

"Calm it, I'm only in my boxers."

"I'm sure Naruto wouldn't mind." She winked at him and laughed when he growled at her. Sasuke quickly got dressed and they both left. Itachi was back in his room when Shisui entered.

"You ok?" Shisui worried for his little cousin. He knew how Itachi would feel when he saw Sakura, wearing only an undershirt and underwear, sleeping next to his younger brother, who was only in his boxers. And Itachi was horrible at recognizing emotions, so Shisui took that in consideration.


"SHISUI! ITACHI! BREAKFAST IS READY!!" Mikoto yelled from downstairs. Itachi sighed and stomped downstairs.

"Itachi, calm down!" Shisui tried to grab Itachi's arm but was sent flying.

"I'm going training!" He yelled to his mother and slammed the front door as he exited.

"What's wrong with him?" Mikoto poked her head from the kitchen.

"Love. Jealousy."

"Ah, this can't be good."

"Yep." Sakura entered the house with Sasuke.

"Tadaima! Where's Itachi?" Mikoto and Shisui glanced at each other nervously.

"He needs to cool down."

"Why? Is he mad?"

"You could say that."

"Well, tell me where he is."

"Training, he really doesn't want to be disturbed." Sakura sighed. She really wanted to talk to him  about last night. She nodded and treaded into her room.

"There's something going on with Sakura. She was really sad last night." Sasuke said as he plopped down on the chair.

"Really? Itachi was too."

"Come to think of it, Itachi and Sakura went somewhere to talk last night."

"Did you follow?"

"No, I don't have a death wish from Sakura."

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