Chapter Twenty-one

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The sound of chirping birds crept into Itachi's room. The sun peeked through the window, hitting above their heads. Itachi was the first to wake up. He smiled at the graceful girl who slept beside him. He silently moved off the bed, careful to not wake the sleeping beauty. However, Sakura was already half awake. She stirred and sat up.

"Mmm, 'tachi?" A pain shot between her legs. He kissed her forehead, moving the scattered hair that fell into her eyes.

"I'm take a bath, would you like to come with?" Sakura blushed at the thought of sharing a bath, even though they had sex already and have had taken a bath together once. She nodded and was picked up by Itachi. "I can walk." Itachi chuckled at her.

"After last night, I'll be surprised if you can walk by the afternoon." She huffed at his cockiness.

"Whatever." He placed her gently into the tub. After their bath, Itachi carried her into the kitchen. No one was in the kitchen. "Where's Mikoto-san and Fugaku-san?"

"Ah, they have gone on a vacation."

"For how long?"

"A week."

"O-oh, where's Shisui?"

"I-" The door swung wide open, revealing an irate Shisui. He collasped into the chair, curled into a ball.

"Are you ok, Shisui?"

"Itachi, in case you forgot. Mikoto and Fugaku left me in charge of the house. Meaning I sleep over. A little warning next time?!" Sakura yelped in embarassement.


"Don't you 'hn' me, Itachi. I couldn't fucking sleep till three in the morning." Shisui pulled himself together and sat properly. She could tell he hadn't slept well. Bags hung from under his eyes.

"G-gomen-nasai, Shisui. I didn't know you were here."

"I know you didn't. Itachi however..." He threw a glare at him.

"A-anyways, we should go eat ramen since Mikoto isn't here." The two Uchihas nodded at the pink girl. She stood up to walk and felt a sharp pain between her legs. Itachi swiped her, carrying her bridal style.

"Mine." He hugged possessively. They found Naruto and Sasuke sitting at the stand.

"Sasuke! Naruto!" She called out. The two boys greeted her.

"Hey Sakura, about last night-" Sasuke rubbed the back of his head, struggling to say what he wanted to say.

"It's ok, I forgive you. You were drunk and you're still my best friend." He gave a peck on her cheek and she giggled. Itachi glared at his little brother. What had happened last night before he had arrived.

"Sakura, we never gave you your present." Sasuke and Naruto handed her a present seperately. She opened Sasuke's present first.

"What is this?" She fingered the object.

"It's a key."

"I can tell, but for what?"

"Well, I was in the library and discovered that there was a seperate library in the basement. And it contains a lot of medical books that are locked behind the door." She threw her arms around his neck.

"Thanks Sasuke." A blush crept onto his face as he coughed it off. She unwrapped Naruto's gift. She had been expecting ramen or something, but instead, something shiny reflected the sun.

"You like?"

"Love it." She admired the set of shiny shurikens and kunais, sharp and clean. Shisui handed her his gift to her.

"Here. I really didn't know what to get you, but here." She smiled brightly at the new medical books.

"Shisui! I love it!" She laughed and hugged him. Itachi handed her a tiny box. "Eh, Itachi?" She opened the box. A necklace twinkled against the bright sun.

"It's gorgeous." Itachi clasped the necklace behind her and she kissed him.

"Eww, we're trying to eat." Naruto whined. Sakura flipped him off before eating her ramen.

"Sakura. I need to talk with you." Sasuke whispered in her ears. She nodded. And stood up, wincing at the pain.

"Be right back Itachi." They disappeared to the park. "What's wrong Sasuke?"

"Well, you know how I said I liked you last night?"

"Yeah, you were drunk."

"I'm sorry for pushing you against the wall."

"It's fine, you were drunk."

"But what if I had done something worse? What if I had continued?"

"Sasuke, stop beating yourself up. I can handle myself."

"I know you can handle yourself."

"Then stop beating yourself up." She hugged Sasuke gently.

"I'm sorry."

"I forgave you already." They headed back to the stand. Itachi was looking impatient, ready to pounce on something. Luckily, Sakura arrived before he could kill anyone.

"We're back!" She pecked Itachi's cheek. Gemna appeared behind the three.

"Godaime wants to see us." Itachi and Sakura teleported to her office.

"Alright. Information is in the file. However, Sakura, you will be fighting separately." She opened the folder and gasped.

Name: Sasori of the Red Sand
Rank: S
Organization: Akatsuki
Age: 35
Specialty: Puppets and poison
Objective: Extract information. Kill

She stared at the picture of the man. It had been the same man she was grinding with at the club.

"Are you alright?" Shisui placed his hand on her back, worried for the non-moving girl.

"Y-yeah." She shook his arm off and ran to the Uchiha complex. Putting the ANBU clothes and mask on, she met up with the team. They sprinted to the Sound village. Sakura felt a chakra following them. She stopped running and jumped to the ground.

Rider, do you feel that?
Same chakra as last time
So familiar

Itachi had noticed that the pinkette had stopped and he ordered everyone to halt. She walked towards the chakra, curiousity egging her.

"Blossom?" Shisui and Itachi called out. She ignored them and continued to walk. The trio followed the girl who seemed to know where she was going. She sped her pace and almost fell when the trio collided into her when she stopped suddenly. The chakra had disappeared again. Her head flicked around the forest.

"What is it?" Itachi held her. She snarled at him, pushing him away from her.

"Go on your mission. Mine is here." Sasori chuckled at the observant girl.

"Hello Blossom." He smirked at her.

"Get out. Continue your mission." Sakura pushed the three away. "Sasori. How nice to see you again."

"Likewise. However, your boytoy was not nice to me."

"Enough talk, let's fight."

"Well said."

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