Chapter Five

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Shisui paced around the campsite waiting for the two members to wake up. After a couple minutes of debating whether he should wake them up, he stalked quietly into their tent. His eyes could not deceive him, yet he couldn't believe what he was seeing. Sakura, tiny and frail looking, laid her body against Itachi's body. She faced away from Itachi, who was spooning her, his arms around her waist. Her hip and waist grinded into Itachi's crotch, their legs entangled with each other. Shisui was quick to grab his camera and snap a photo before alerting them. He took a couple photos, incase they destroyed some of them.

"Rise and shine love birds!" Shisui shouted. Itachi quickly rose to his feet and stood in a fighting stance. Sakura, on the other hand, continued to sleep. Itachi glared at Shisui in annoyance before shaking Sakura. She groaned and pulled the covers over her completely. Shisui ripped the blankets off and Sakura woke up. Except, she was pissed. She punched Shisui in the guts and huffed as he doubled-over in pain.

"Oh, it's you Shisui." She realized. "I thought you were Naruto and Sasuke for a minute." Shisui, who was out of air, stuck his thumb up at her.

"We will leave in 10 minutes and arrive around noon." Itachi said as he walked over to his bag. The two Uchiha boys were packing and Sakura had felt a chakra nearby. Curious, she walked towards the chakra which disappeared when she was ten meters away. Normally, she could feel charkra all time, even if it was hidden. But this chakra felt...familiar.

Inner? Do you feel that?
Yeah, this isn't good
If they can disappear, then they have the advantage
But this chakra...
Ignore it

"Blossom?" She heard Shisui yelling. She quickly shook her head and ran towards them. They began their long journey to the village. Once they reached their destination, Shisui excused himself and disappeared into the village.

"You hungry Weasel-san?" Itachi glared at his new nickname.


"Great! Let's go get some food." Sakura hadn't given him anytime to respond as she began to walk. Shisui joined the two shortly after they arrived at the restaurant. The trio left the area and booked into a hotel.

"I'm sorry, we only have honeymoon suite and a standard bedroom available." The worker apologized.

"No big deal, Weasel- I mean Taichou-san can share a room with Blossom-san." The lady nodded and handed their keys. Shisui grinned evilly invertedly as the couple headed towards their room. In truth, the hotel had many rooms available. He had told the worker to say there was only two bedrooms because he planned to get Itachi and Sakura together.

"Weasel-san, I'm going to take a bath." She didn't wait for his response and stepped into the bathroom. She climbedinto the bath and relaxed as she closed her eyes. After a while, she heard a knocking on the door.

"You've been in there for a while." She heard Itachi saying.

"I'll be right out." She sighed and opened her eyes. She screamed in horror. What once was water was replaced by blood. She was bathing in blood and she continued to scream. The blood dripped from her arm as she hid her face behind her arms. The banging on the door sounded so distant, as if it were miles away.

"Sakura? What's wrong?" Itachi asked with worry laced within his voice and continued to knock.

"Blood. I can't get it off." She muttered to herself.


"I'm fine." She said loudly, maybe she could convince herself that everything was ok if she told herself that enough. She slowly peeled open her eyes and saw that the blood was gone and water was there. She heard Itachi sighed.

"Alright, I'll be going to town soon." Sakura quickly jumped out of the tub, wrapping herself in a towel, and forcefully opened the door. She grabbed Itachi's hand tight.

"Please don't leave me. I don't want to be alone." She begged desperately as she shook. She couldn't tell if it was the cold air or her fear that was making her shiver. Itachi nodded.

"Get dressed then." Sakura nodded and was about to remove the towel. "I'll be in the hallway." Sakura hesitated before nodding. Itachi slipped out of the room. The pinkette dressed herself and was about to place her hand around the doorknob. She looked down when she felt it wet. She covered her mouth with her other hand as she tried to surpress a scream. Itachi heard a sharp yelp.


"I'm fine." She lied as her voice quivered. She closed her eyes as she turned the knob and exited the room. "Let's go." Itachi decided it was best to leave her alone. He did not want to upset the girl even more. The couple went around town and stopped at a clothing store. Sakura had to buy a new dress because the dress she had brought was small. They finally headed back to their room. Sakura switched out of her clothes and into her sleeping attire. Itachi was already in the bed with a book in his hand. She blushed when she noticed he wasn't wearing a shirt and she slipped under the covers next to him. She felt herself slip unconscious.

Sakura knew where she was. She stood towards the gates to the Haruno complex. She couldn't stop her body from walking towards the complex. She knew what was to be expected. Blood splattered along the sides of the building. Bodies lying on the streets and in the homes. She entered her house. Her parents bodies were stacked ontop of each other. Blood dripped from the soaked wall, the stench reeked throughout the house. She heard him chuckling and felt a prick on her neck. She screamed in agony and was awoken by someone shaking her. Her eyes snapped open and revealed two Uchihas.

"Blood." Her voice was raspy. "Blood."

"It's ok, you're safe with us." Shisui comforted her. She jumped out of the bed and grabbed her packings before slamming and locking the door.

"Sakura?!" Shisui banged on the door as he called her.

"GO AWAY!!!" Sakura screamed at them as she ripped open the package she held in her hands. The banging stopped but Shisui didn't move. Sakura was tired and didn't have enough energy as she downed the liquid that burned her throat. She coughed heavily and opened the door. She ignored the two Uchihas as she passed by them. She climbed into the bed and pulled the sheets over her body. Shisui and Itachi stood there shocked. The older Uchiha left after ten minutes of silence. What could they say? Itachi sighed and slipped under the covers and soon fell asleep.

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