Chapter Twenty-four

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A gentle breeze caressed the baby grass that laid under Sakura. The birds chirped happily and twittered into the sky. Sun rays warmed her body and she exhaled in content. The sky was mostly clear, save for the scatters of clouds, and it was a beautiful summer. She laid on the grassy field, completely relaxed.

"Sakura." She heard her mother call. She opened her eyes and smiled brightly but soon frowned when she noticed her mother's hard face.

"What's wrong mama?" A stronger wind rushed towards the trees, causing the leaves to flutter and fall.

"Demon child." Her mother spoke loud and clear, yet her voice was muffled by the raging wind that increased. The birds fell silent and the trees roared and groaned.

"What?" Sakura yelled loudly, inching closer to her mother who seemed to be moving back without actually moving.

"Demon." Sakura reached for her mother's arm and screamed when her body fell limp. Now laying on the ground, her mother's body began to decompose quickly. Worms and maggots writhed between her flesh as Sakura watched in horror. She flung herself away, landing on her back, and looked around at the once beautiful summer day. The leaves violently danced in the air, the trees rotted, flowers withered, and animals laid dead. She felt the ground beneath her sink and she tried to grab something to hold onto. She desperately clung to the edge of the grass, where she hung above the dark abyss below her. The ground crumbled and she lost her gripped. She was falling for what seemed like an eternity. Suddenly, her body floated. Surrounded by darkness, she cried out for help.

"You won't find help." A voice boomed loudly. It was a female voice, strong and clear.

"Who are you?"

"My secret shall be revealed. Hidden within the eyes, cursed with a seal." Her floating body dropped once more and she felt a hard floor hit her bottom. Slowly opening her eyes, she realized that she was infront of the Uchiha complex. Her body relaxed as she sighed in relief. Walking through the gate, she noticed something was wrong. It was quiet, too quiet. She opened the front door to the house and screamed. Mikoto was lying on the ground, throat slashed, with her eyes wide open. She ran towards Sasuke's room and pounded on the door until it broke. She cried as she lifted up Sasuke's and Naruto's lifeless body. She slowly placed them gently on the ground and ran towards Itachi's room. She tripped over something and fell with a crash. She peered at what tripped her. Shisui. His body had been sliced multiple times, his eyes gouged out. The pinkette snapped her neck away from the gruesome sight and continued towards Itachi's room.

"Itachi!" She cried out desperately. She heard a faint breathing and rushed towards it. Itachi was lying on his back, blood spurting everywhere. "Who did this?!" She begged him to answer. With a gurgle of blood rising from his mouth, he answered.

"You." His body stiffened and relaxed. His chest no longer moved. His eyes seemed to glare into the pinkette's. A mix of betrayal and pain deeply embedded in his eyes. She screamed for her loss, jumping out of his window. The girl's body crashed onto the floor. She heard frantic yelling and arms grabbing her. Her vision was blurred and the yelling was muffled. She could barely make out what was being yelled.

"She's waking up!" Naruto yelled, a huge sigh of relief could be heard and the tension lightened a bit.

"Water." Her voice croaked out. Sasuke zoomed to the kitchen under a second and handed her a glass. Picking up her body slowly, with the help of Itachi, her vision cleared. Shisui was sitting closely infront of her, Sasuke and Naruto sat behind Shisui. Mikoto stood near the door wearing a frantic and petrified face. Her body leaned back on the wall, then noticing that the wall was actually Itachi's built body, she was being supported by him. She chugged the water quickly.

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