Chapter Twelve

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There was a painful pounding when Itachi awoke. The shifting of the blankets woke Sakura and she clutched her head. Itachi turned to the person who sat next to him.


"Fuck! Too loud! Wait, Itachi?" Her voice was raspy. She slowly turned to him and realized they were both naked. She screamed and Itachi covered her mouth.

"Fuck! Don't scream, I have a hangover." His voice was husky and rough. Sakura nodded and Itachi let his hand fall from her mouth.

"Did we-"

"I don't know, how do you feel?"

"Normal, except for the hangover." Sakura wrapped the blankets around her body and trudged to her drawer and put her clothes on. She went to Itachi's room and found Sasuke and Shisui passed out. She kicked the two idiots awake.

"Fuck! I have a headache." Shisui cursed as he sat up. She grabbed Itachi's clothes and threw it at him. The quad walked downstairs to see an angry Mikoto.

"First of all, Itachi, Sakura, it was very irresponsible for you two to be drinking past your tolerance. Second, Shisui, you should have stopped Itachi, third, Sasuke, you were supposed to stop Sakura."

"Itachi threw a beer at me and tried to strangle me to death."

"And Sakura locked us out."

"Sorry." The couple muttered. Mikoto handed them some medicine for their hangover.

"You two need to get things straighten out." She pointed at Itachi and Sakura.

"Why were you sleeping in Sasuke's room the other night?"

"We usually stay together if there's something bothering us or if we don't want to be alone." Itachi mentally smacked himself and sipped on his water loudly.

"Aniki, were you...jealous?" Sasuke smirked in amusement. He wanted to mess with him.

"No." Itachi countered coldly, leaving Sakura disappointed. Her shoulders slumped down and her eyes dulled.

"Anyways, I have to go."

"Where?" Sasuke asked.

"Places." She slammed the door as she ran out. After running a mile, she finally slowed down. She headed towards the Hokage tower. "Tsunade-sama?"

"Oh, Sakura, what can I do for you?"

"I'd like a solo mission."

"Solo? What's wrong with your team?"

"I'd like to get stuff off my mind."

"Alright, well, we need someone to get rid of the rogues near Konoha."

"Hai!" Sakura ran to the complex and dressed her in her ANBU outfit.

"Is there a mission?" Itachi asked her from the doorway.

"Solo." That was the only thing she said as she walked past him. She ran towards the center of the forest and felt ten chakras nearing her.

"Well, look at this. They sent a pink little girl."

"Hey, let's have some fun." Sakura sliced two of the men's throat. Blood spurted onto her face and bloody.

"YOU BITCH!" They ran towards her and she punched the ground. One of them had failed to dodged and was killed instantly. She made two clones of herself. One clone punched a man, breaking his ribs and kicking him into the tree. His skull cracked and blood gushed out like a waterfall. The other clone threw a kunai into one of the men's head and he fell immediately.

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