Chapter Sixteen

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Sakura and Itachi were sleeping peacefully until a certain obnoxious idiot barged in.

"Wake up cuz! Sakura!" He threw off their covers before realizing that he had just signed his death the moment he walked in. Fuck, he thought. Itachi and Sakura were glaring at him and he slowly backed up with a sheepish smile. Chuckling nervously, he slowly walked backwards towards the door. He screamed when two kunais came flying towards his face, one from Sakura and one from Itachi. 

"In loving memory of Shisui. He died because he woke Sakura and Itachi up." Sakura stated in a deadpan voice. Her lips twisted into an evil smile.

"He will be missed." Itachi finished. They threw all the kunais that they could find at the poor older cousin. Shisui ran out the door, screaming bloody murder. Itachi sighed at his idiotic cousin. He could hardly believe Shisui was older. Sakura giggled at the newly awoken ice cube.

"You have bed head." She pointed to his hair that awkwardly stuck out in odd angles.

"Hn." Itachi brushed his hair before tying it in a low ponytail. Sakura raised her arms out, like a child who wanted to be carried by their parents. Itachi chuckled as he scooped up Sakura, transferring them into the kitchen. Sakura didn't let her arms fall from his neck as he placed her on her seat. She leaned towards his ears and whispered softly.

"Arigatou for helping me." She pulled back, smiling at him. He nodded as he placed himself next to her.

"So Sakura, how was your sleep?" Sasuke asked, trying to avoid a usually awkward breakfast.

"Good, by the way, if you see Naruto, tell him that I need to speak with him. Oh, that's not an option." Sasuke felt shudders run through his body. He remembered the last time Naruto had ditched her. She pulverized him so badly, he was in the hospital for a week. And that wasn't the worst for Naruto. She had told Ichiraku to not give him any ramen for two weeks after he was out of the hospital. And she threw out all the ones he had at home.

"I'll keep that in mind."

"And Shisui, don't ever wake me up by screaming."

"H-hai." She flashed him a smile, a murderous smile. Shisui shivered at that little sadistic smile, thinking what would happen if he did again. Fugaku looked between the boys who cowered at the pinkette.

"Sakura. What is your ranking?" Fugaku demanded the answer rather than asking.

"Well, I guess I'm an ANBU, I help out at the hospital whenever I can. And I trained with Tsunade." Fugaku was very impressed at the girl. He had ordered a full on report from the Uchiha about her and was pleased with what he had read. She would be the perfect canidate for Itachi's wife.

"Interesting. How old are you?"

"Sixteen sir."

"Quite young."

"Thank you?" Sakura didn't know if that was a compliment or an insult.

"Why did you join ANBU?"

"Well, Itachi and Shisui saw me angry and said I had potential."

"Would you die for your teammates?"

"Over and over." Sakura answered, not missing a beat.

"When did you stop training with Tsunade?"

"Three years ago." Sakura was a little bit annoyed with all of the questions. Itachi found it rather odd that Fugaku was being nice to Sakura. "Hey, 'tachi?"


"Did Tsunade say I could work?"

"Absolutely not!" Mikoto interjected. "You will rest as much as you can. And that means no training." Mikoto scolded as if she were Sakura's mother.

"Aww. But what am I supposed to do then?"

"Read a book. Hang out with Naruto and Sasuke. Hang out with Itachi." Sakura sighed at Mikoto's suggestion.

"Alright, 'tachi? Let's go hang out."


"It's an order now. You still have to obey my commands, or need I remind you..." Itachi slung Sakura over his shoulders.

"Hn." (I hate you so much). Sakura giggled at him.

"Aw, love you too 'tachi. Now march, onwards peasant." Itachi had to contain himself from rolling his eyes at the hyperactive pinkette.

"Where do you desire to go?"

"Mmmm, first I need to talk to Naruto. So, Ichiraku's ramen place." He nodded at her request. Just as she had expected, Naruto was eating his ramen. "Nar-ru-to." She sang evilly. Naruto's body stiffened, slowly turning around.

"H-hey S-Sakura."

"We're going shopping, and you're paying."


"In case you didn't remember, my clothes are, or were, in my room until you blew it up." Naruto gulped the last of his ramen before walking next to Itachi.

"Where to?"

"I need undergarments. And yes, you will be coming in the store, holding my clothes while I pick." She smirked at Naruto, who was currently dying. In total, she spent, rather Naruto spent, about two hundred dollars worth of clothes. Naruto's feet were aching.

"Neh, Sakura, are we done?"

"No, I need actual clothes now." Naruto stared in horror. She had taken two hours picking her undergarments. To his surprise, Sakura had picked her clothes faster than her undergarments. She had gotten simply t-shirts, skirts, spandex, shorts, and pants. As they left the mall, Sakura noticed a dress out on display. She admired the beautiful dress. It was black and red. There was only one dress left, at least that's what the sign had said. She sighed, knowing that even if it weren't the last dress, it would be either out of her price range, and she wasn't that cruel to make Naruto pay, or it would not fit her.

"So, are you done now?"

"Yes, and because you paid for my clothes, I won't kill you for destroying my room." Naruto's face brightened considerably.


"You can go Naruto." Naruto nodded enthusiatically before running away. "Eh, Itachi?"


"Where do you want to go?"


"Hm, how about the library? You like reading." On their way to the library, Kakashi appeared infront of them.



"I don't know why you keep calling me sensei, you've surpassed me already. Anyways, Tsunade wanted to know how you two were doing."

"Eh, well, we're on our way to the library." Kakashi nodded before disappearing into a smoke. The two continued to the library. Sakura was surprised when Itachi had gotten her a couple medical book. She stared at the books, she had read all of the medical books, yet she had never seen the ones Itachi presented to her. "Where did you get these?" She asked, checking out the covers.


"Arigatou." After two hours of reading, Itachi looked over to Sakura, who had fallen asleep with a book lying on her stomach. Slowly removing the pinkette from the chair without waking her up, he carried her to the house. Fugaku watched as Itachi held the sleeping girl gently in his arms. Yes, Sakura would be perfect for Itachi.

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