Chapter Four

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Sakura groaned when she felt something moving her head. Burying her head into the warm pillow, she heard a chuckle and felt the vibration. She slowly peeled her eyes open and lifted her head up, revealing a shirtless Itachi. He was smirking at her. Heat rushed to her face as she yelped, jerked back, and fell to the ground. Itachi chuckled even harder.

"You're a cuddler." He stated. Sakura knew she was red and turned her head away.

"Why am I here?" She huffed out. She refused to look at Itachi in the eyes. The bed squeaked as he rose from the bed.

"You passed out." Itachi replied to her as he brushed his hair. Sakura turned her head back to her and saw that he was only wearing boxers. She didn't know it was possible, but her face became even more red. Itachi felt amused by Sakura's embarassement. Sakura had to think of something to say.

"You brush your hair?" She blurted out. Itachi raised his eyebrow at her. She huffed and stood up quickly. She was about to walk out the door until she felt Itachi's hand wrap around her wrist. "What?!" She hadn't meant to snap at him. She saw in his eyes something curious. Was it...amusement?

"Clothes." Itachi said, releasing his hand from her wrist. She tilted her head in confusion and looked down at her body. She realized that she was only in her panties and undershirt.

"You took my clothes off?!" She yelled at him. He smirked at her.

"No, you did that." He was telling the truth. She had woken up earlier and got ontop of him. She stripped off her shirt and trailed her fingers down his body. She stood up and took off her shorts and climbed on top of him once more. Itachi had rolled her over so he was on top of her. He had noticed that her body had gone limp and her chest rose and deflated evenly.

"I don't remember that!" She exclaimed. She groaned in frustration. "What am I going to wear?"

"I have some clothes." He walked over to his dresser and handed her some of his old clothes. She held them to her chest and looked away.

"C-can you look away?" She said embarassed. Itachi turned away and heard her movements. "Alright, I'm done." Itachi looked at Sakura. His clothes was still big on her, but it wasn't too big. Sakura blushed as Itachi's eyes trailed her body.

"Let's go eat, Shisui will barge in here in ten minutes if we don't leave." Sakura nodded and follwed Itachi.

"Sakura?" She heard Mikoto's voice in the kitchen. The two walked into the kitchen and sat at the table. "I didn't know you slept over."

"Yeah, I guess I just knocked out after training." Sakura chuckled nervously. Mikoto's eyes scanned Sakura's clothes and smiled.

"Aw, I didn't know you two were together." Mikoto clasped her hands together. Sakura choked on her food and began to cough violently.

"You didn't tell me you were together." Shisui whined as he walked into the dining room. Sakura squinted at him.

"We're not together." Itachi said. Yet.

"Yeah, no, we aren't dating. I just passed out last night."

"Must've been rough last night, eh Itachi." Shisui winked and Sakura blushed. Mikoto smacked Shisui on the back of his head.

"Manners!" She said. Shisui pouted and ate his breakfast.

"Oh, the Godaime wants to see us." Shisui said. Itachi nodded and stood up.

"Sakura, I just noticed, you look different." Mikoto said, her finger touching her chin. Shisui turned to look and his jaw dropped.

"Damn Sakura! You look hot!" Mikoto hit Shisui's head again. He apologized before leaving. Sakura sighed and began to walk. Itachi grabbed her arm, pulling her close before teleporting them to the tower.

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