Chapter Twenty-two

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Sakura groaned as the poison seeped into her. She quickly administered the antidote, injecting it on her neck. She released a clone who distracted him. She grabbed her sword and thrusted it into his chest. Blood slid from his mouth as he smiled.

"Good job. I reward, I will tell you that Orochimaru is planning to attack."

"Where is he attacking?"


"When?" His head fell limp as she pulled her sword out. She leaned against the tree, healing her wounds that irritated her. She heard a loud explosion from the other side of the forest. Sprinting towards the scene, she found an unconscious Gemna, a badly burned Shisui, and an exhausted Itachi. She quickly healed Shisui's burns before standing next to Itachi.

"What's going on?" She asked him.

"Deidara." She heard of him. His specialty was explosions.

"Where's Sasori, un? I thought he would have taken care of you, un." Deidara yelled from the sky, hovering over them with his clay bird.

"Sasori is dead. I killed him." She flaunted at him, a teasing smirk placed on her lips. Deidara's eyebrows knitted together. She quickly jumped onto the bird and threw him onto the ground. She punched him, knocking him out. "Itachi, we can tie him up and interrogate him." Itachi nodded and binded him with chakra ropes. They continued to run towards Konoha.

"Ugh." Sakura stopped for a moment, her head pounding. She lost her footing and fell on the ground. Itachi had caught her in his arms, eyes worried for her.

"What's wrong?"

"I have a major headache." She suddenly giggled. Shisui had made a clone to carry Gemna and the rogue. He approached the couple, confused as to why they had stopped. "Hehe, you're very cute Itachi. You too Shisui. Hehe, haha, I feel great." The two Uchihas looked at each other completely puzzled by her new strange behavior. Itachi scooped the girl into his arms and continued to run towards Konoha.

"Tsunade-sama, Sakura is acting very strange." Itachi said as he entered the office.

"Let me see her." She scanned Sakura's body and sighed. "It's just a side effect of the antidote. She must've been poisoned earlier."

"Ooh, butterfly. I like butterflies. They're so pretty and they can fly away." Sakura rambled on about random things. She refused to go to bed, and instead walked around the village.

"Sakura, please listen to me?" Itachi asked politely, pinching the bridge of his nose. They had been walking the village for the last two hours and she was getting on his last nerve. He was tempted to knock her out, but seeing as Sakura hates being knocked out, he had no plans.

"Ok, since you said please. I like it when you say please. It's good manners." Sakura walked into the house and took off her shirt and pants, leaving her in her undershirt and underwear. She fell unconscious a couple minutes later. Itachi sighed at the sleeping girl.

When Sakura woke up, she felt a thundering ache smash through her head. She slid out of the bed and walked into the kitchen. Shisui sat at the kitchen table, reading a newspaper.

"Morning Shisui."

"Morning." A kunai was sent flying towards him. He quickly deflected the oncoming weapon. "What the hell, Sakura?!"

"Who are you?"

"What are you talking about? It's me-"

"Who are you?" Shisui flipped the table as a wall for defense.


"Cut the crap. Shisui doesn't read the newspaper." The imposter chuckled before dropping his henge.

"Names Kisame Hoshigaki."

"Where is Shisui?"

"In his room. We haven't made our move yet, but if you and Itachi don't join us, then we will kill them." Sakura snorted at his feeble threat before flickering infront of him.

"No." Kisame swung his Samada at her and was horrified. She had came in contact with the sword but it didn't affect her for some reason.

"What are you?!"

"Your worst fucking nightmare." The last thing he saw before slipping unconscious was a green fist. Itachi and Shisui ran downstairs when he heard the noise.

"What happened?" Shisui stared at the ruined kitchen. Mikoto was going to kill him for the damages done. Weapons were embedded into the walls, blood splatter on the floor, kitchen table was definetly ruined.

"This Kisame guy tried to pretend to be you."

"How did you know it wasn't me?"

"You don't read the newspaper." He shuddered at the thought of reading the newspaper.

"Ew, I don't want to become Fugaku."

"Anyways, Itachi and I will bring him to the Hokage."

"You're leaving me to clean this up?"

"Yes." The two disappeared with the unconscious man. If Shisui had no morals, Sakura and Itachi would be beaten until next week. Mikoto is so going to kill him for the damaged walls.

"Eh, Itachi?"


"I just remembered, Sasori told me that Orochimaru was going to attack."

"Did he say when?"

"No, he died right after telling me."

"We must inform Tsunade about this." Tsunade was asleep with her face on the desk until the door opened up.

"Tsunade-sama." She quickly jerked up and pulled the paper from her face.

"What are you doing here?"

"Kisame Hoshigaki appeared in the Uchiha complex. He is a member from the Akatsuki."

"Akatsuki? How did he get in here?"

"He used a henge to look like Shisui." Tsunade sighed, this was going to be a long day.

"Place him in a cell. I need you two to interrogate Deidara and Kisame."


"He's been unconscious since you knocked him out."

"Oh, ok." The couple walked to Konoha's maximum security holding cell. Each prisoner is assigned an ANBU guard. Sakura didn't hesitate throwing Kisame against the wall and locking the door.

"I will interrogate Deidara, you will interrogate Kisame. Vice versa."

"Etto, do you want me to try using the sharingan?"

"If you can handle it. I strongly suggest not to, we haven't trained enough." Sakura nodded before entering Kisame's cell.

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