Chapter Eighteen

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"Hey, Itachi?"


"You said you liked me, right?" Itachi had forgotten his brazen confession, and nodded. Sakura smiled at him, pressing her lips onto his. He savored her soft lips that tasted sweet. "I never told you this, but I like you too." She admitted between their gentle kisses.

"Really? This isn't Rider speaking, is it?" He smirked when she lightly smacked his chest.

"B-baka, I really do like you." She huffed at him, body facing opposite from his.

"Good." He whispered, nibbling on her ears.

"We should get going, Shisui might pop in." Sakura, who had been distracted by the kissing, slid onto the ground. Itachi chuckled at the pouting girl. She stood up slowly, hand on the edge of the bed. Her legs were wobbly but they still supported her.

"Try taking a step." Sakura's legs obeyed. She could walk but she felt as if she were going to fall.

"Itachi, come help me." He wrapped arm around her waist, guiding her into the kitchen.

"Sakura-chan! You can walk!" Mikoto cheered from the kitchen. She ran to hugged the struggling girl.

"Barely." Itachi swayed her to the kitchen table. She leaned her body against his side, sighing.

"What's wrong."

"That took a lot of energy." Itachi chuckled as he planted a kiss on her head.

"Are you going to tell your parents?"

"Do you wish for me to?" Sakura blushed, not knowing the answer.

"I-if you want to. I'm pretty sure Mikoto is cheering for it."

"Then I shall." Shisui climbed into the kitchen from the window. Leaves were entangled in his hair and had dirt covering his shirt.

"Shisui, use the front door next time." Mikoto scolded at him.

"Gomen-nasai." Fugaku entered the room, reading the newspaper. He continued to read, ignoring the other members.

"Ohaiyo Fugaku-san." Sakura greeted. He grunted as a reply.

"Sorry we're late. Naruto wouldn't stop talking about ramen." Sasuke said, dragging Naruto from behind. Mikoto served their breakfast and sat down.

"I would like to announce something." Itachi declared. Everyone froze, eyes turned to the boy.

"Yes?" Mikoto asked.

"Sakura and I are in a relationship." Mikoto squealed in joy, hugging the two with a very strong force. Shisui flicked himself over to the couples.

"Gah! I knew it."

"Naruto." Sasuke said with a warning tone. He feared what would happen next.

"Yeah. I know."

"If you two are going to give Itachi the whole spiel about dating me, forget it." Sakura glared at them. Naruto walked over to the couple.

"Give me your handcuffed hands." Naruto ordered. He slid the key from his pocket and unlocked the binder.

"You had that with you this whole time?!" Sakura yelled at him. Naruto hid behind Sasuke, cowering in fear.

"The Godaime ordered us to!" Sasuke let it slip from his mouth. Naruto covered Sasuke's mouth. Sakura sighed, rubbing her temples in annoyance.

"Naruto, Sasuke. Since the Godaime ordered you two to handcuff me, I won't murder you two." Sasuke and Naruto threw themselves onto the girl, hugging and kissing her. "However..." They froze. "You will hide Tsunade's sake."

"WHAT?!" Sakura smirked at the two horrified males.

"Off you go now." She waved her hand. They grumbled as they stomped out.

"So, when did this happen?" Mikoto asked.

"Ah, this morning." Itachi replied as he sipped his tea. Mikoto continued to launch questions until Fugaku placed his hand on her shoulder.

"Let them breathe." He ordered. Mikoto smiled sheepishly as she cleared the table. Sakura stood up and stretched her arm out.

"We should go to Tsunade's office."  Itachi nodded as his arm snaked around her waist. She had planned to walk but Itachi had a better idea. He teleported them in front of the office, where they heard Tsunade yelling.


"S-Sakura told us not to tell." Itachi knocked on the door and entered when she said to.

"Tsunade." Sakura said with a deadpan face.

"Sakura, tell me where you put the sake."

"Tell me why you ordered these idiots to handcuff us." She snapped back. It was times like these that she aprreciated that she was the only one who could talk back.

"Fugaku and I made a deal. If  I could get you two together before you could walk, he'd give me sake."

"Seriously?!" Sakura slammed her fist onto the desk.

"Oh come on. You two had a lot of tension between each other."

"Sake is hidden where Shizune hid yours." Sasuke and Naruto were long gone. They had ran out when Sakura and Itachi entered. "Come on Itachi." Her legs had stopped shaking and she felt more confident with each step. Gemna approached the couple, wrapping his arms around their neck.

"Congratulations! I heard you two finally made it official."

"Who told you?" Sakura asked, throwing his arm off her shoulder.

"The whole town is talking about it."


"The Uchiha heir is finally courting someone. Twenty three years of wondering if he was straight or not, the mystery has finally been solved." Itachi threw a kunai at him.

"Hn." A couple days passed, Sakura began to train with Shisui and Itachi to get some of her strength back. They didn't let their relationship interfere with their training.

"Forehead!" Ino yelled from across the field. Sakura jogged over to the loud blonde.


"Your birthday is tomorrow." Sakura had completely forgotten about her birthday. And she kind of wished Ino had forgotten too. "The party is at the club."

"Ino, I really-"

"And you'll be coming over to my house for a makeover before the party." Ino left quickly, ignoring Sakura's complaints.

"That pig!" She muttered, rubbing her temples. Itachi placed a hand on her back and gave her a peck.

"What's wrong?"

"My birthday is coming up."

"Why is that bad?"

"It's not. What's bad is that Ino is throwing a party again. At the club."

"You don't have to go."

"Yes I do. She will never let me hear the end of it, and I prefer to have my ears."


"Anyways, let's continue training." They practiced until it was sundown, and the field had been completely destroyed. Itachi was thinking of a gift to buy Sakura, for he had not known that the next day was her birthday. "Neh, Itachi?"


"What are you thinking about?"

"Nothing, let's go home." Sakura yawned as she followed him to the house.

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