Chapter Seventeen

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"Do you understand your mission?"

"This is suicide!" Naruto yelled.

"Ontop of that, we'd have two people waiting to murder us!" Sasuke added in, yelling as well.

"Bullshit! This is worse than suicide!"

"Very well. You may refuse it, however, if you do, I will take away ramen and tomato away." Naruto and Sasuke stared in horror at the Hokage.

"Fine! But you will be paying our funeral." They huffed out.

"I'll give you two free tomatoes and ramen for a month." Tsunade offered. She handed them the metallic object. "Dismissed." The two boys ran out the office.

"She's trying to kill us." Naruto exclaimed.

"Hn. How are we going to do this?"

"I have a great idea." Entering the complex, they found Itachi and Sakura reading on the bed. They hardly glanced at the boys before continuing to read.

"Hey guys!" Sasuke greeted with a smile, causing Itachi and Sakura to look up confused. Sasuke had sounded cheerful, which quite frankly worried them.


"Are you ok?" Sakura placed her hand on Sasuke's forehead, checking to see if he was sick or anything.

"So, we bought you two a gift. Close your eyes and stick your hands out." Naruto instructed. Sighing, they did as they were told. Something metallic wrapped their wrists, soon a click was heard. Eyes snapped opened, they stared at the handcuff.

"Naruto. What the fuck is this?" She asked calmly, in a tone that everyone knew was deadly. Sasuke and Naruto cowered in fear at her tone. Her right wrist had been cuffed to Itachi's left wrist.

"Right, so, uh. We don't have the keys to it. And you can't take it off with any jutsu or anything."

"Naruto, when I get free..." Naruto gulped, he knew what would happen. He grabbed Sasuke and they bolted out of his room.

"Hn." Itachi was pissed at his foolish little brother and his idiotic friend. He scooped Sakura into his arms, continuing down the stairs and into the kitchen.

"Hey Ita- what is that?" Shisui pointed at the handcuff.

"Naruto and Sasuke handcuffed us." Sakura whined. "And, the key is the only way to unhook us." Mikoto giggled at the sight, an annoyed pinkette with a stoic boy, bounded together. She placed the food infront of the couple. Sakura struggled with the chopsticks, she usually at with her right hand. Itachi sighed, he knew this was not good.

"Would you like me to feed you?" Itachi offered, causing Sakura's cheek to tinge a bit.

"E-eh? I-I guess." Itachi nodded, grabbing the chopsticks from her hand. He raised the noodles to her mouth. The pinkette hesitated at the food, she was embarassed. Itachi pressed the food to her open lips.

"Gah, so much tension in here. I thought feeding other people were suppose to be romantic." Shisui sighed. "Itachi, at least lose the angry stare." Itachi wasn't aware that he had been giving an angry face. He was actually focusing.

"Um, 'tachi, you can eat. I'm done." After finishing their breakfast, Itachi stood up to go to the bathroom, but his arm was tugged back.

"Hn." (Fuck).

"Where you going?" The pinkette asked.

"Bathroom." Her eyes widened, realizing what he meant.

"Remind me to murder the two idiots the next time I see them." Itachi chuckled dryly. "So, uh, how are we doing this?"

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