Chapter Seven

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Takeo felt cold water pour over his head. He raised his head and saw the girl from last night. He tried to move his hands but they were tightly binded. He was sitting in a chair, legs and arms binded.

"Damn, didn't realize you were into this kind of stuff." He smirked. The pinkette smiled innocently at him before sitting on his lap.

"Honey, this isn't the only thing I'm intrested in." She purred in his ear seductively as she gently stroke his neck.

"You're a ninja. You want information? Go to hell." He spat out at her. The girl tisked at him placed her lips on his neck. She nibbled and kissed it while playing with his hair. Her hands that were once placed around his neck slid down to his body. She ripped his shirt off.

"Nice body." Takeo grunted as her lips trailed down to his chest. The pinkette stood up and spread his legs apart. She kneeled down and placed her body between his legs and licked his chest. She knew he was frustrated that he didn't have any control over him. "So, where are the girls you've kept captive." She asked.

"I'm not telling." He growled. Sakura sighed and stood up.

"Let's play a game. It's called rewards and punishment. Everytime you answer my question honestly, you get rewarded. And don't think you can lie, I know when people lie. Everytime you lie or don't answer, you get punished. Understand? Good, let's begin. Where are the girls you've been keeping?"

"Fuck off!" He yelled at her. The pinkette sighed and pushed her fingers into his eyeballs, very slowly making sure he'd crack.

"Ahhh, at the factory!" He screamed. She smiled sweetly at him and kissed forehead.

"Good boy, reward." She healed his eyes quickly. "Where is the factory?"

"I don't know." He muttered. His heart was beating fast. She grabbed a kunai and slowly dragged it along his stomach and pressed it harder when he said nothing.

"In the basement!"

Rider, I'm getting bored, hurry it up
Oh, you're no fun
I mean it, hurry it up

"Seems like we're running out of time. Tell me everything you know."

"You're going to kill me."

"Honey, I promise I will untie you. You should answer so we can get this over with."

"We keep the girls in the basement. A guy picks them up and takes them to the whore house and auction."

"There are traps in there. Tell me them."

"There is a bomb that will detonate if you don't answer the password correctly."

"What's the password?"

"3719." Rider hissed and stabbed him in the chest, avoiding any major arteries or vital organs.

"Tell me the real password."

"4285!" Rider smiled.

"See, that wasn't hard, was it?"

"There are men guarding front, back, side, and roof enterance."

"When does the guy arrive?"

"At 12:45 in the morning."

"I think we're finished."

"Are you going to untie me?"

"Promise is a promise." Rider untied the man who lept at her once he was free. She slit his throat and blood splattered on her clothes. "Uchihas, you may come out now." She wiped the blood off her cheek as they walked towards her.

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