Chapter Six

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What do you want?
I want to take over
You're clearly going to struggle, I'm trying to help you
Where were you when I needed help when Orochimaru killed my clan?!
Sakura, you don't know who I am
Then tell me!!
When the time is right

"Just leave me alone!" Sakura yelled out loud as she threw the item on the floor. Itachi looked at her with confusion. "Sorry, talking to myself." Itachi nodded and continued to prepare himself. Sakura took a shower and put her new dress on. It was a bit too revealing for her taste and she felt embarassed. She blushed at her chest that stood out. She exhaled heavily before joining Itachi and Shisui in the hallway.

"DAMN BLOSSOM!!!" Shisui yelled. His eyes trailed over her body, focusing on one specific area. Itachi whacked Shisui on the back of his head before Sakura could reach him.

"Pervert." Sakura muttered as she walked by him. She looked at Itachi was wearing a tuxedo.

"Remember the plan?"

"Weasel-san and I will walk in together."

"I will be hiding, watching the target."

"Weasel-san and I will be close to the target and begin an arguement."

"I will pretend to slap Blossom."

"I will run and bump into the target. I will initiate a conversation and suggest we move towards a private room."

"I will follow undetectedly."

"I will seduce him into talking."

"When he is done talking, we kill him."

"Hey Blossom?"


"Have you ever slept with anyone?"

"Yeah, I slept with Itachi last night." Shisui choked on air at Sakura's brazen answer. He did not expect them to get together so fast.

"We did not sleep together in the way you mean, Shisui." Itachi said composed.

"What does he mean?"

"Have you ever had sex." Shisui clarified. Sakura's cheek redden in embarassement and she turned her head.

"O-of course I have." Shisui smirked at her, amused by her innocence.

"Have you even had your first kiss?" Sakura blushed even more. In truth, shd had never had sex, let alone kissed anyone.

"Oh, our Blossom is so innocent." Shisui laughed as he put his arm around Itachi. Itachi shook his arm off. Sakura slapped his chest.

"W-who cares! Let's just get this mission over with." Sakura huffed out as she walked past them. The two boys followed her. Itachi wrapped his arm around Sakura and they stepped into the party. Shisui disappeared into the crowd. The pinkette scanned the room and distinguished the target surrounded by women who were throwing themselves at him. The couple walked towards him.

"Blossom! You disgust me!" Itachi yelled at Sakura. Plan starts now.

"I'm disgusting?! Look at you! You're so clingy! I can't even have a decent conversation with another man without you breathing down me neck."

"You know I love you!" Sakura was taken aback. She knew it was a mission but she never expected that.

"I don't love you anymore. Leave me alone." Sakura felt a sting on her cheek. It wasn't hard but it definetly added drama to their scene. Sakura didn't have to pretend to cry, the tears fell down her face. "I HATE YOU!!" She yelled as she ran away. She had "accidently" bumped into her target.

"Careful lassy, a beautiful woman like you should never cry." He said as he held her hands gently. Sakura wiped her tears away and sighed.

"I'm so sorry you had to see me like that." She sniffed. He smelled like perfume and it was suffocating her.

"Why don't we go somewhere private so we can talk about it? Hm?" Sakura pretended to think about it, before nodding. He led her down a hallway and into a room, where he locked the door and turned to her. Sakura took a step back and bumped her leg on the edge of the bed. She wasn't acting, she really didn't know what to do in this situation. Takeo took a step forward, invading the pinkette's personal space. He trailed his finger around her shoulders and she shivered. Quickly, he ripped off her dress. She yelped as she covered herself with her hands. He pushed her onto the bed as he forcefully kissed her body greedily. His hand lowered and played with the lining of her underwear. Sakura struggled under him. His hand covered her mouth as she tried to scream. She felt him ripping off her underwear and his fingers touching her lower part. Her eyes widened in fear and she pushed him off.

"ITACHI, HELP ME!" Her mouth was once again covered by Takeo. He unzipped his pants and positioned himself between her legs. Sakura shut her eyes and prepared for the worst. She opened her eyes when she felt the weight of Takeo off the bed. Itachi was standing with Takeo on the floor. Sakura cried uncontrollably. She hadn't expected this and she felt weak. She had failed her mission and compromised them. Shisui barged into the room with an intense distraught face.

"Sakura!" He shielded his eyes from the naked girl.

I told you
Leave me alone
This could have been avoided if you let me take control this time
I thought I could do it
You can't

Itachi removed his coat and his shirt and lifted Sakura's upper body. He out the shirt on Sakura, buttoning it along the way and wrapped her around the coat. The shirt was long for her, covering her to her mid-thigh. When Sakura somewhat calmed down, she hugged Itachi who simply lifted her from the bed and carried her bridal style.

"Tie him up and bring him with." Itachi ordered. Shisui quickly bounded Takeo and teleported him into the hotel. Itachi looked at the girl who was asleep in his arms. He transported them to his room.

You know what?! Fuck it, take over, I don't give a damn, but you will not hurt my friends or the village

Sakura's body lifted into the air and glowed. Her eyes fluttered open and she smirked at the Uchiha staring at her.

"Hello, Itachi."

"What did you do to Sakura?"

"She's...resting. Ja ne." She jumped away and appeared in Shisui's room.
"Hey Shisui-kun, can I borrow him?" A kunai was sent flying towards her and she deftly dodged it.

"Who are you?" Shisui recognized that the body was Sakura, but she never called him with a -kun. She smirked at him and grabbed the injured Takeo before disappearing.

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