Chapter Fifteen

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A couple days have passed, Itachi still refused to be healed. Tsunade reluctantly granted him access to visit Sakura's room when he threatened to stab himself. Itachi was desperate, he hadn't seen Sakura since that night. Emotions ran through him. He didn't know what he was feeling, all he knew was that he wanted Sakura awake. Itachi sat next to her bed, holding her hand from the side of the bed. He felt her fingers twitching, then her hand moved. Itachi shot up, kneeling next to her.

"Sakura." He called out quietly, not wanting to scare her.

"Itachi." She breathed out his name through the oxygen mask. "Are you okay?" Itachi was stunned at the pinkette. Here she was, lying on the hospital bed, and she asks if he's ok.

"I'm fine." Tsunade happened to walk in the room. She almost knocked Itachi over trying to get to Sakura.

"Sakura! Oh kami, I thought I was going to lose you." Tsunade held Sakura's delicate hand and rubbed it gently. "And this idiot over here, got himself stabbed and refuses to be healed." Tsunade glared at Itachi.

"Itachi, why won't you get healed?"

"Hn." Itachi was punishing himself, that's why. If he had paid more attention to Sakura, she wouldn't be in here.

"Stop blaming yourself." Sakura smiled weakly at the brooding ice cube.

"Sakura, how are you feeling?" Tsunade interjected their conversation.

"Pretty good. My back is killing me though."

"I would expect that."

"Thank you shishou, for not giving up." Tsunade smiled at her.

"I wouldn't dream of losing you. So, you can be discharged from the hospital tomorrow. Your body seems to have healed mostly. Itachi, you could get yourself healed." Tsunade offered, hoping he would nod. Itachi shook his head no and sat in the chair.


"Very well, I will inform your family that you've awoken." Tsunade left the couple alone.

"Itachi, please get yourself healed." She begged him. He squeezed her hand, looking at the fragile blossom infront of him. Ten minutes later, the door swung wide open, revealing Mikoto, Shisui, Naruto, Sasuke, Gemna, and Fugaku.

"SAKURA!" Naruto had prepared to jump on her but was held by Sasuke.

"Dobe, you can't jump on her."

"Sakura-chan! Oh, kami we were so worried." Mikoto set the flowers down next to her table and squeezed Sakura's other hand. Shisui and Gemna stepped up, holding bright pink flowers.

"Kami Sakura, you gave us a heart attack." Gemna said as they placed the flowers on the table.


"Oy, you still haven't healed yourself?" Shisui poked Itachi who promptly glared at him.

"Thank you for visiting." Sakura smiled at them then suddenly frowning. "I can't feel my legs."  Tension rose in the room, no one spoke or move until Tsunade walked in.

"So, it appears that-hey why are you all so quiet?"

"She can't feel her legs."

"Right, about that, it appears that one kunai paralyzed her legs. However, she will be able to walk again in a couple of months. Although, someone will have to be her legs. Meaning, one of you will be helping her whenever she needs to move."

"I'll do it." Naruto volunteered.

"As if, you'll drag her to a ramen stand against her will. I'll do it." Sasuke snorted at Shisui and Naruto.

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