Chapter Twenty

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Itachi pulled his shirt off, climbing ontop of Sakura. She wrapped her arms around his neck as he began to kiss her gently. His tongue tried to enter her mouth but was stopped when Sakura shut her mouth. She teased him, caressing his muscular back while her other hand played with his hair. Itachi growled and grabbed her hands, placing them above her head.

"What are you-" His lips quickly found hers, forcing his tongue into her mouth. He played with her tongue, sliding his hand under her dress. She writhed underneath him, trying to gain control. However, Itachi was not the type to be dominated. He tied her hands together with a rope he kept in his drawers, just in case there was a surprise attack. He deepened the kiss, absorbing her sweet scent and the luscious taste of her lips. Lifting the dress up a little, he chuckled when he found she was wearing a spandex underneath.

"Spandex under a dress?"

"Fuck off." She muttered, embarassement creeping into her face. Her hands were busy, attempting to untie the rope. Fingers crept under the dress, lips met each other. She panted for air as he pulled the dress off her. A small gasp could be heard from the pinkette. Moans escaped her while he kissed her abdomen. Finally breaking free from the ropes, Sakura flipped him over, her being ontop now. He felt lips trailing down his chest to his stomach, tiny little licks could be felt. Her kisses ceased briefly before she pulled herself ontop of him once more.

"Sakura." A pleasurable shiver ran through her body. Arms wrapped around her, and she soon felt the bed underneath her again. He ripped her undershirt off, smirking in amusement. "Lace?" The pinkette was forced by the girls to wear the newly set of lingerie.

"S-shut up." She said, folding her arms to cover herself. Itachi unfolded her arms and placed them above her head once more.

"Don't hide your body." He growled, eyes filled with lust, a feral look upon his face. A moan slipped out as Itachi stroked her breasts. His kisses were slow, teasing the desperate girl who grind her lower body into his. She gasped when she felt the bra unclip, he slid it off gently. Nipples instantly hardened against the cold air that hit it.

"Ah!" She yelped, one breast being carassed, the other with Itachi's mouth covering it. He sucked on the nipple and twiddled with the other. Subconsciously, her arm tried to push the lustful man who made her body ache for more. He remained glued to his spot, ignoring all the desperate cries from her. His mouth trailed down from her swollen breast to her stomach. Her body jerked in pleasure. "Itachi." She whined, fingers laced between his hair. He pulled his head up towards hers. She leaned to kiss him, but felt his jaw instead. He had turned his head slightly to tease her. Again, she tried to kiss his lips, but failed to, as Itachi turned away again. Her growl was cut short when Itachi's lips seized her throat, covering it with marks. Her hands flew to the waistband of Itachi's sweats. Without saying a word, he let the sweats drop to floor. A huge visible tent aimed towards the tiny girl. He nudged his member over her throbbing area, teasing her as his fingers threatened to pull the spandex off.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" She wrapped her legs around hist waist in response. He chuckled at the impatient girl. He continued to rub his member over her area, ignoring all of her pleas to take her. The spandex were peeled off her body. He admired the cute lingerie she had worn.

"Kami, I want you." She groaned breathlessly. A low chuckle escaped from Itachi as he felt her panties. Her body jerked violently before twitching. "Ah!" A smirk crept upon his face, he had barely started, yet she was dripping for him already.

"You're so wet." The underwear she wore was slowly peeled off. Butterflies flew around her stomach as he kissed her lower abdomen.

"What are you-Ah!" He trailed down to her sensitive area. It was no surprise to him that she did not understand what he was about to do. Nothing would stop him from completely devouring the innocent girl. She could feel his wet tongue in her private part. He growled, she tasted like heaven. "Ah! Itachi!" Her body bucked up as she wiggled.

"You taste good." He lowered his boxers, stroking his member. Grabbing her hand, he placed her hand on his cock, and began to rub himself. Sakura's finger gently wrapped around his giant member, moving up and down. He found himself laying on the bed. She lowered her head and licked the tip of his cock. Slowly, her mouth covered his member as she began to suck on it. He groaned as her head gradually increased, bobbing up and down. His hand pushed her head down forcefully as he released in her mouth.

"Swallow it." He growled. She quickly did and looked up, curiousity lingered on her face. He laid her gently on the bed, his finger rubbed her lips down below as she cried out in pleasure. "I'm going to put a finger in." He warned her. Her body arched up from the intruding finger and her legs shut tightly. Her area throbbed violently and she soon felt him wiggling his finger. Sliding in and out at a decent pace, he added another finger. A frustrated moan came from the girl when he had stopped. She was close to finishing off, and that had been precisely why he stopped.

"No, kami it felt so good. Please don't stop." She begged him. Itachi smirked at her, spreading her legs out with his. Grabbing a condom from his drawer, he placed the protection on his cock. He angled himself, too high to slip in, but the perfect angle to rub her clit. Her hips instinctively locked into his. She cried out as he moved slowly, torturing the pinkette and driving her insane. Now angling to slip in, he pushed the head of his cock into the entry. She screamed in pain, feeling the walls of her vagina being forced open. He had pinned her arms down, knowing that she was try to push him off. Once he was fully in, he released her hands.

"I'm going to move." He slid half-way out before thrusting into her. A spasm could be felt in the pinkette's stomach as he continued to thrust in and out of her. His pace was slow and painful for the girl, as she wanted him to go faster. His muscles flexed as he supported himself.

"Faster, Itachi." She whined at the amused man. He obeyed and his pace quickened. Her fingernails dug into his skin, scratching him. The sweet sensation spread throughout her body as she moaned loudly, begging for more. Itachi  flipped them over, her now ontop. She found herself riding him. Her desperate cries bounced off the walls as he played with her breasts.  With the same force that brought her up, the bed soon touched her back. Itachi thrusted in and out, roughly as he increased his speed.

"Ugh!" He groaned as he felt himself nearing his climax.

"Ha...AH!" She cried out as she released. Itachi groaned as he pulled out and released. His body fell onto Sakura's. Panting heavily, they kissed once more.

"Ready for round two?" He heard her gulp, causing him to smile. After their third round, they fell in a heap, breathing heavily. Itachi threw the covers over them.

"G'night Itachi."


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