Chapter Nine

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The trio entered the Uchiha complex happily. They weren't stuck with the bill so they didn't care. Mikoto stuck her head from the kitchen and greeted them all. Itachi walked into the kitchen. He had dyed his hair back to black, but it was darker than his normal hair color. Shisui appeared in the house angrily. His sharingan was activated and his tomoe still spun rapidly.

"You little sh-"

"Shisui!" Mikoto yelled at him, warning him of the consequences he would receive if he finished his sentence.

"-short, cute people?" Shisui finished weakly.

"What did they do?" Itachi asked. He actually hasn't seen Shisui angry in a long time.

"They left me with the bill!" He yelled. "And the blonde one had like four bowls, so I had to pay for six meals!" Itachi smirked at his cousin. Sasuke walked up to Itachi and gestured they talk somewhere else.

"Give Sakura back her pills."


"You don't know what it does."


"Then tell me, what do you think it is?"

"It's a drug that people use to get high." Sasuke paused before doubling over laughing.

"You idiot, that pill is a supression pill!" He managed to gasp out. Itachi looked at him with confusion.

"Tsunade told me-"

"They look the same. But, if you look closely, there is a writing on the supression pill." Itachi felt like an idiot but he wasn't ever going to admit it. Itachi handed Sasuke the pills and headed back into the kitchen. Shisui bumped into him and gestured to talk. He sighed, he just wanted to eat.

"I'm going to get back at Sakura for leaving me with the bill. You in?" Itachi thought about it for a moment before nodding. He was still angry about the hair ordeal. Shisui grinned and the two entered the kitchen. Naruto and Sasuke had gone to do something and Sakura was talking to Mikoto. Sakura excused herself and walked towards Sasuke's room. How long does it take to get a damn movie?! Sakura swung the door wide open and it revealed Sasuke and Naruto kissing, on the floor. They pulled apart quickly.

"Sakura!" Naruto yelled.

"I fucking knew it." Sakura whispered.


"You cannot tell anyone." Sasuke threatened. Sakura closed the door on them. Itachi and Shisui were walking down the hallway, discussing how to get revenge on Sakura. The door swung wide open, hitting Shisui in the face.

"FUCK!" Shisui yelled in pain.

"SHISUI!!" Mikoto yelled. Fear flashed on Shisui's face as Mikoto walked up. She dragged him by the ear downstairs. Itachi turned to the three younger kids and raised his eyebrow.

"Nothing, I'm going to sleep." Sakura announced rather loudly. She settled in her bed. Finally, her own bed. And her own privacy. She drifted asleep.

She felt something cold pour down her face and body. She screamed at the contact of the water and opened her eyes. Itachi was smirking smugly and Shisui was laughing on the floor. Sakura smiled evilly and the two boys eyed her suspiciously.

"I wonder how Mikoto will react when she hears about this." They stared in horror. Even Itachi who usually kept a stoic expression showed horrified expression.

"ITACHI GRAB HER!!" Shisui screamed. It was too late. Sakura jumped out of the bed and ran down the hall with the two Uchihas chasing her. When she reached the kitchen, she pretended to cry.

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