Chapter Ten

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Itachi and Sakura sat at a booth of a fancy restaurant. They ordered one entree since it was so expensive there.

"So, have you ever had a girlfriend before?" Sakura asked out of the blue.

"Have you ever had a boyfriend?" He countered.

"I asked first."


"Does that mean you've never done it?"

"I've had sex before." Sakura choked on the water she was sipping on.

"But you haven't had a girlfriend yet!"

"Seduction missions."

"O-oh, I didn't know people actually did that stuff on the missions." She muttered as she sipped her water.

"Hn." The waitress brought  their spaghetti and place it on their table. They ate in silence and Itachi payed the bill. Sakura and Itachi walked around the town.

"Itachi, let's go on a hill!" She quickly sat on the grassy hill and laid on her back. Itachi did the same and they both stared at the stars. "Look! There's Orion's belt. And the Big Dipper and Small Dipper." Sakura continued to name and point each constellation.

"You know the stars."

"Yeah, my Okaa-san and I would always watch the stars at night, when my father was asleep." She sighed at the distant memory. After an hour of star gazing, they continued their way to the Uchiha complex.


"Hm?" Sakura felt a kid run into her and she  was sent flying into Itachi. She knocked him down and her lips fell onto his.

"Sakura-chan! I'm so sorry!" She heard one of the kids apologize before running off. The pinkette jumped up and turned away as she blushed hard.



"Hn." Itachi embraced her from behind, taking in her wonderful scent. Her body tensed at the touch but soon relaxed.

"Thank you." They stood in their spot for a couple more minutes before continuing their walk to the house. Once they stepped foot in the house, they parted ways, Itachi to his room, Sakura to hers. Itachi plopped on his bed, relaxing every stiffened muscles.

"So, how was your date?" Shisui asked with a grin.


"Anything interesting happen?" Shisui stressed interesting out.


"Do pray tell me."

"We kissed." Shisui clapped his hands together. His plan had been a success.

"Are you two official yet?"


"Why not?"

"It was an accident. Some kid pushed her and she fell and kissed me."


"She probably doesn't like me like that."

"Aw, come on, you should ask her out!" Sasuke, who was walking past Itachi's room, overheard him and joined Shisui.

"Aniki has a crush?"


"Who is it? I can set you two up." Shisui opened his mouth to answer but Itachi stared at him as if he would murder him if he said anything.

"It's none of your concern. Now leave my room." Itachi said, not leaving any room for discussion. Shisui pouted before leaving his room and joining Sakura.

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