Chapter Thirteen

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The tantalizing sun crept into Sakura's room slowly. The bids chirped loudly as they flew by her window. Sakura groaned at the brightness and trudged downstairs to the kitchen, where Mikoto was preparing the breakfast. Mikoto smiled at her.

"Oh, I'm so happy for you!" Sakura gave a fake smile and nodded. She had no idea why Mikoto was so happy nor why she was being congratulated.


"So, you and Itachi." Sakura inhaled her water and coughed violently.


"You kissed Itachi." Sakura's eyes widen.


"Last night? When you came back."

You kissed Itachi?!?!
Come on, this was getting too boring
I hate you so much

Sakura excused herself and knocked on Itachi's door. She opened it slightly and saw that he wasn't in his room. She went to Sasuke's room and found that Naruto and Sasuke were sleeping next to each other. She ripped the covers off of them and they yelped as the cold air came in contact with their skin.

"What the hell?!" Sasuke yelled.

"Rider fucking kissed Itachi!" She whispered in a panicked voice.

"Wait, Rider?"

"Yes, she kissed Itachi."

"So you didn't know you kissed him until she told you?"

"No, your mom told me." Naruto groaned.

"Damn, he's not going to take it well."

"He shouldn't date Sakura." Sakura huffed at Sasuke.

"Why not?"

"Because you shall remain single."


"We've scared off most of your dates, we can do it to Itachi." Sakura smacked both of them before walking away. She huffed again and accidently bumped into someone.


"Ah, Sakura, we need to talk." Itachi said. Fuck! Sakura nodded.

"Itachi, about the kiss-" Itachi interrupted her by kissing her.

"Um, Rider kissed you." Sakura blurted out. Her cheeks reddened as she pivoted. Before Itachi could say anything, Shisui appeared behind him.

"Mikoto said to come down for breakfast." Shisui sais as he ran downstairs. Once everyone settled down at the table, Mikoto brought out their breakfast.

"Sakura, what exactly happened last night?" Shisui asked as he bit his eggs.

"Shisui." Sasuke said in a warning tone.

"No, it's only fair if they know."

"Are you sure?" Sakura nodded.

"I possess the Rinnegan, Byakugan, and Sharingan." Shisui coughed violent  and pounded his chest as Itachi dropped his fork.

"Is that even possible?"

"Yes, and I have mastered Byakugan and Rinnegan perfectly, however, the Sharingan has been disturbing me the most. Ever since the massacre of my family."

"Aah, it must be the mangekyo sharingan."

"Why hasn't Sasuke taught you?"

"Because last time I tried, I went in a coma for a month!"

"I thought you went into a coma because you overused your sharingan."

"That was the reason we gave you." Naruto explain. "Sakura tends to break when she's angry or upset, hence why she broke last night."

"Why were you upset?" Itachi asked. The rest of the family face-palmed themselves at Itachi's surprising stupidity.



"Baka." Naruto, Shisui, and Sakura snickered at the glaring Uchiha.

"Hn, anyways, I could try teaching you?"

"If you have a death wish, by all means go ahead." Naruto said as he poked his eggs.

"Hn. After breakfast." Sakura nodded and quickly ate her breakfast. "Let's go." The couple walked to the training field and stood fifty feet apart from each other. "Let's see your sharingan." Sakura focused hard, trying to activate it.

"I-I can't."

"Hn." (Yes you can)

"This isn't easy!" She huffed at him. Itachi sighed and appeared behind him.

"If you can't activate a simple sharingan, then that makes you weak." He murmured in her ear, provoking and taunting her. Her eyes flashed dangerously red and she punched Itachi in the chest. He jumped out of Sakura's swinging fist that went flying everywhere.

"Who's weak now?" She smirked at him. Itachi landed swiftly on both feet as he gazed into Sakura's pure red eyes.

"You've activate Ranmaru's kekkei genkai."

"Really? I didn't even know I have that." She launched herself towards Itachi, shurikens and kunais in her hands. Her body froze when she smelled the scent of blood. "Blood." She dropped everything and ran towards the source of the scent. She had followed the scent into the deep part of the forest.  She found a barely conscious woman who had been stabbed with a kunai. Her eyes flashed and the woman screamed in fear.

"AH! DON'T HURT ME!!" Sakura healed the woman and pulled her towards her. The woman managed to kick Sakura in the stomach, causing her to lose her balance. She growled at the frightened lady and grabbed her roughly. She placed her mouth towards her neck, licking it before she sank her teeth in her. The woman kicked and screamed at Sakura, begging her to release her. Itachi tore Sakura off the poor woman and stared at the pinkette's eyes. The sharingan was nothing he had ever seen before and frankly it frightened him a bit. She snarled at him for interrupting her as tried to bite his neck.

"Sakura! Calm down!" He held her firmly and dragged her to the training field they had previouly been at.

"Itachi..." Sakura whispered in a horrified manner. "I attacked an innocent woman." She buried her head into his chest and sobbed her eyes out. Itachi stood still, letting the pinkette release her emotions. When she lifted her head, Itachi noticed that blood was dripping from her eyes and her eyes had changed from the unknown sharingan back to her emerald eyes. His eyes dropped down to his shirt, which had been soaked in blood.

"It's alright." He assured her, stroking her back gently.

"I want...blood." He felt her licking his neck, nibbling it as she sucked on it.

"No Sakura." He pulled away from the bloodlusting girl.

"Please?" Her eyes had changed against her will. "I won't take much."

"No." Sakura pouted before hugging him.

"Why not?"

"Because." She bit his neck, pressing him against the tree. Her body jerked back as the blood came into contact with her tongue.

"Your blood." He carried Sakura to the complex and laid her on his bed, as gently as he could, for the girl in his arms had fallen fast asleep. He silently sauntered over to his desk and opened his book. Her breathing was light and soothing for Itachi who read his book.

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