Chapter Two

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Sakura woke up at five a.m. and took a shower. She ate a quick breakfast, and by six she left for the training ground. She ran around the field thirty times as a warm up and picked up the sword she had brought along. The sword was a Haruno heirloom. She practiced for an hour before taking a break. She sat down on the grassy hill and decided to meditate. She was interrupted when she felt Itachi's and Shisui's chakra come close. She hastily sat up and hid the sword near a tree branch.

"Morning Sakura!" Shisui greeted. Sakura smiled at him.

"Morning Uchiha-san." Shisui pouted.

"Called me Shisui."

"Alright, Shisui." Shisui smiled and patted her head. Itachi handed Sakura a couple weights.

"Put these on, you will not take these off unless you are taking a bath." Sakura took off the weights she was already wearing and was about to put the weights Itachi had given her.

"Wait, you're already wearing weights?"

"Yeah, one ton per weight." Shisui's eyes widened.

"Well then, these weights are useless." Itachi took the weights from her. "Then, run as many times as you can around the field." Sakura nodded and took off sprinting. After fifty laps, she stopped and bent over to catch her breath.

"Damn, she's tough." She heards Shisui whisper. She smiled at him and walked up to them.

"What's next?"

"What are your weaknesses?" Sakura thought for a moment.

"It's not really a weakness but I would like to work on using swords." Sakura said.

"Itachi, you do it." Shisui said as he jumped onto a branch. Sakura quickly pushed Shisui away from the tree before he could reach the branch. He landed on his butt and pouted. "Ouch, what was that for?" Sakura was thinking of an excuse.

"I put explosives on that branch." She quickly said. Shisui raised his eyebrow.

"I don't see explosives." Crap! What am I suppose to say? Sakura was freaking out internally.

"Fine, I hid some dangos for Itachi." Itachi looked at her. "Sasuke talks about how obsessed you are with dangos."

"That is true. But, tell me, what is the real reason?" Sakura sighed.

"I brought my favorite sword."

"Well, that isn't too bad."

"It's a Haruno heirloom. I'm supposed to keep it protected or something." In truth, her mother had given the sword to her when she was dying.

"Protect it with your life." Sakura's mom said as she fell to the floor. Her clan had been massacred and she knew it was her duty to keep it safe.

"I don't think it's an heirloom. It specifically says Sakura Haruno." Sakura shrieked when she saw Shisui near her sword. She kicked him, sending his flying towards the tree.

"I'm sorry Shisui, but you really don't want to touch it. It can electrocute you if you touch it and incapacitate you for a couple days."

"Ow." Shisui said as he laid on the ground. He groaned as he heaved himself up and climbed on the branch of the tree he had collided into.

"Hn. Let's spar." Sakura hadn't had the chance to even prepare herself as Itachi's sword came towards her. She quickly jumped away with her sword and attacked Itachi. Itachi dodged the oncoming hit and aimed for her face. Sakura blocked the swords and managed to slice Itachi's cheek. Itachi was quite surprised, normally the spar would be over. They continued to spar until Itachi's sword was at Sakura's throat. "I got you." He said. She smiled and pointed behind him. He turned to see Sakura with her sword against his neck.

"Got you." She smirked. He smirked back and stabbed her. Sakura disappeared in a smoke and Itachi found the real Sakura. At the same time, their swords went to each other's throat.


"Tie." They lowered their swords. Shisui jumped from the tree he was sitting in.

"Sakura, you're amazing, you tied with Itachi." Sakura shrugged her shoulders. "No one has ever tied him before."

"I find it fun to practice with him." Itachi smirked at her.

"So, we talked to Lady Tsunade, she said that you can join the ANBU. No test."

"Why no test?"

"Truthfully, I think that they're scared you'll destroy the city in the process of trying out."

"I'll go talk to her right now. And Itachi?"


"Thanks for the training." Sakura grinned at the two Uchihas as she ran towards the Hokage building.

"She is quite talented. I don't even know if we can teach her anything."

"Hn." Itachi in truth was intrigued by Sakura, more than he was willing to admit.

"Oy, are you listening?!"

"Hn." Itachi continued to ignore Shisui's babbling.

"Itachi, we should put her on our team." Itachi thought about it for a second. Their third member had been poisoned and was recovering now. He wouldn't be able to go on mission for another four months or more.

"Yes, I agree." Itachi and Shisui walked to the Hokage's office. They  knocked on the door and entered.

"Lady Tsunade. We would like Sakura Haruno in our ANBU team."

"Sakura will have to agree to that. Dismissed." The two Uchiha walked around town looking for Sakura. They heard a child screaming and saw an older man grabbing a young girl.

"You brat!" The older man's hand was about to slap the little girl until a hand caught it. He turned to see Sakura holding his fist.

"Let her go." She demanded. The man tried to shake of Sakura.

"Who do you think you are b*tch?!" He yelled at her. Sakura sighed before breaking his arm. He screamed in pain and let the little girl go. Sakura grabbed the older man's shirt.

"I'm Sakura Haruno, nice to meet you." She punched his face, knocking him out. The little girl ran up to Sakura. Sakura picked up the little girl.

"Thank you Sakura-chan. You're my hero." The little girl hugged her neck and kissed her cheek. Sakura laughed.

"It's alright Mika, I'll protect you and everyone else!" The little girl laughed and kissed her cheek again before running off. Sakura turned to the Uchihas. "Hi."

"You knocked him out. With one punch." Shisui said exasperated. Sakura nodded before dragging the older man. They followed her.

"So, what did you guys need?"

"We wanted you to join our team." Sakura paused for a moment.

"This isn't a joke or anything, right?"

"No." Itachi said. Sakura smiled.

"Sure, why not. I'll see you later."

"Sakura, my mother would like you to visit for dinner at six." Itachi called out. Sakura nodded after walked away, dragging the older man by his arm.

"She really is something, isn't she Itachi?" Shisui said.


"Oh don't give me that, little cousin."

"Hn." Shisui groaned in frustration before throwing his hands up and walking away. Itachi followed him.

"I know Mikoto didn't invite Sakura for dinner." Shisui said smirking. Itachi kept his stoic expression and fastened his pace. "You like her don't you?"

"It is against the rules to like a teammate, as it would distract the members." Itachi said before disappearing.

"You didn't deny it!" He yelled at Itachi who had disappeared. He chuckled as he shook his head.

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