Chapter Three

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Sakura was walking towards the Uchiha complex when she felt Shisui's chakra not far from her.

"Shisui, you can stop stalking me and walk with me." She heard him laughing, footsteps gradually getting louder.

"Nothing can get past you Blossom. And for your information, I was not stalking. I was merely testing your awareness." Sakura smiled at him.

"Whatever makes you sleep at night." She winked at him. They continued to walk to the Uchiha complex. Sakura knocked on the door. After a minute passed, she knocked again. She heard a groaning then footsteps. The door opened, revealing a shirtless Itachi with his hair messed-up. His sweats hung lowly on his hips, revealing the V-shape on his lower abdomen and his six pack. Sakura blushed and looked away.

"Why are you here?" Itachi spoke in a deep voice.

"It's six o'clock." Sakura said, her eyes pointed away from Itachi.

"Baka, did you forget?" Shisui said annoyed.

"No, I was asleep."

"Well put on a shirt, we're here." Shisui said inviting himself into the house. Sakura followed behind Shisui. They walked into the kitchen and saw Mikoto hovering over the stove.

"Sakura, welcome home dear."

"Thank you, Mikoto-chan." Sakura smiled.

"Home?" Shisui asked confused.

"I stayed here for a little while after my clan was wiped." Sakura explained.

"Then, you were close with Sasuke and Itachi?"

"Yep. Although, Sasuke was more rude to me so I hung out with Itachi most of the time when he wasn't with Sasuke."

"How come I never saw you?"

"Because she stayed in the house." Itachi answered as he walked into the kitchen and sat at the table. Sakura noticed his hair wasn't sticking up anymore and he was wearing a shirt.

"And you didn't tell me? I'm so offended." Shisui huffed. Itachi shrugged.

"You never asked."

"Sakura, I heard that you will be joining the ANBU. I'm so proud of you my dear." Mikoto smiled happily as she hugged Sakura.

"Itachi and Shisui said I should, so I thought, why not. I like having them around. They're not as annoying my other teammates."

"So, we're a little annoying?" Shisui pouted.

"I wouldn't say annoying. I'd say that you two like to stalk me."

"We do not stalk you." Itachi and Shisui said together, causing Sakura giggle.

"I'm kidding." She laughed.

"Itachi, can we practice later?"


"Thank you!" Even though Itachi hadn't answered, she had learned most of the Uchiha's "hn".

"Just curious dear, but why didn't you go with team seven on their mission?" Mikoto asked while she carried the plates in.

"Oh, they brought Karin along because they thought I would drag them behind."

"Drag them behind?" Mikoto asked shocked.

"Yeah, I got captured last mission."

"In fairness, you did it to protect your teammate." Shisui added, stretching his arms to the food. Mikoto smacked his hand and scowled at him as he pouted.

"Yeah, but why bother telling them? It's not a big deal." She waved it off hoping they'd change topics soon.

"Sakura, Sasuke and Naruto are stupid to think that you can't handle yourself." Mikoto said. Sakura smiled at her.

"Thank you Mikoto." Mikoto smiled fondly at the pinkette. She considered Sakura as the daughter she never had. They began eating and when they finished, Itachi offered to practice with her. Sakura nodded enthusiastically with excitement. They headed towards the training field and stood in their stances.

"Use any techniques. Including genjutsus or whatever." Sakura nodded and prepared herself in a fighting stance. She felt a pressure in her mind

Ugh, he's using his sharingan
Push in three?

The genjutsu disappeared, leaving an impressed yet curious Itachi. No one should have been able to get out of a genjutsu used by a sharingan, let alone know that they were in one. Sakura lunged at him. Itachi dodged all of her swings and managed to slice her palm. Sakura hissed at the pain and blood soon seeped onto the sword. There was a sudden burst of light and energy. Sakura felt her body exploding with heat and her bones began to shift. She screamed in pain as her body rearranged themselves.

Itachi stood there infront of her, not knowing what to do. Shisui ran up behind him.

"What's going on?!" Shisui asked, panicking. He tried to come near her but was sent back flying.

"I don't know." Itachi watched as Sakura's body changed.

Sakura felt as if someone was slowly rolling a boulder over her body. She heard her bones popping and cracking. The pinkette cried out in pain and fell to the ground. The pain had subsided, however, she felt a warm tingling sensation wash over her body.

"Sakura?" She heard Shisui. It sounded as if he were miles away and yet, as if he were whispering her name into her ears. She tried to stand up, but failed and found herself in the arms of Itachi.

"Itachi." Sakura whispered weakly. "What's happened to me?"

"You...transformed." Sakura's eyes widened. What did he mean by transformed?

"What?" Sakura wiggled in his arms but he held her tightly to his chest.

"I have a mirror in my room." Itachi said to her as he carried her into his room. Sakura gasped lightly as she gazed at herself in the mirror. Her pink hair had gotten longer and darker. Her face became slimmer. Her breasts had grown a size or two. Her body was thin and curvy.

"Woah." Sakura couldn't stop staring at her new body. Itachi was secretly staring at her body out of the corner of his eyes. He handed her her sword. When she came in contact with the sword, it transformed into a scythe. Sakura was overwhelmed by her new changes. She felt herself falling and arms catching her. She closed her eyes and let a single tear slip.

Sakura looked around her, unaware where she was. It was bright and sunny, yet the sun was not out. She saw her mother walking towards her. The pinkette ran to hug her mother but her body went through hers.

"Mama." She cried out.

"It's alright dear. You have unlocked your true self."

"What do you mean?"

"Please protect yourself. I love you." Her mother drifted apart. Sakura stretched her arms out, for she could not move. She begged her mother to stay, and soon she fell into darkness. She awoke in a dark room. She felt arms around her waist and heard someone breathing. She tried to sneak away from the person in the bed but the arms around her waist tightened.

"Sleep." She heard a husky voice whisper in her ear. Chills ran through body and she shivered. The heavy breathing continued and she finally gave up and rested her head on the pillow. The pillow was warm and it was harder than she expected but she soon fell asleep.

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