Chapter 4

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"How did you meet my daughter?"

"At the mall, sir." Michael answered still not meeting Hunter's gaze.

"Mall? And do you always talk to girls you meet at the mall?"

He shook his head. "No sir. I... I just really liked her."

"Okay? And what do you like about her?"

Michael almost choked.

"Dad, please stop." Elena pleaded receiving warning looks from both of her brothers.

"Hunter, these two just started dating. Give him a break." Stella cut in.
"What do you do for a living Michael?"

"I'm a photographer, ma'am."

"Oh that's nice. Do you work alone or with a company?"

"Alone, ma'am."

Hunter cleared his throat. "And what exactly are your intentions toward my daughter? The answer better be good." He said leaning forward.

"I... I only have the b... best intentions, sir."

"I hope so. Because one heart. If you break hers. I'll destroy you without even laying a finger on you."

Michael's gaze moved from his to Elena who was shaking her head slowly.

He gulped. "M... May I use your washroom."

Stella smiled lightly. "Yeah sure. Hallway. First door on the left."

He nodded and shakily stood up and left the dining room.

"Sorry, Elena. But this one won't last either. He's going to chicken out." Sebastian laughed and she glared at him.

"He won't." She scoffed. "I told him not to show fear and to not believe your threats."

Jason chuckled. "Well he is failing miserably."

They suddenly all looked at each other confused when they heard the front door open and close.

"What the hell!?" Elena yelled running to it.

They all followed just to see Michael running to his car like he was being chased.

"Michael!" Elena exclaimed.

He just got into his car and drive off like a mad man. He's lucky the gates were open.

They all just stood there shocked, looking as his car drove away from the house. 

"What just happened?" Victoria was the one to break the silence.

They all turned as Hunter let out a laugh. "Well looks like he would have left you at any trouble."

Elena's jaw just dropped. "Dad! Seriously you need to stop doing this!" She yelled following her father inside.

"You lower your voice when you talk to me. And all the boys you like are cowards. Bring me one that will stay with you no matter what." He said facing her.

"But I really thought he was going to stay." She huffed stomping her feet. "I'm gonna die alone because men are cowards. Stupid chicken." She mumbled walking toward the stairs.

They all just stood there watching as she walked up the stairs before burst out laughing.

"This guy knows how to run for run." Seb laughed closing the front door.

My Love, My mistake (Knight family book#2)Where stories live. Discover now