Chapter 49

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We have been sitting on this couch for almost half an hour now, just listening to Stella and Hunter go back and forth. Well mostly Stella, because all Hunter was saying was 'No' and 'I don't think so'.

"Do you guys want to sneak out to go eat outside? I'm sure dad can handle her alone." Sebastian whispered beside me and I quietly nodded.

"Let's wait until she faces him."

"And you thought it was a good idea to put this poor girl in this mess, and for the life of me I can't understand why." Stella continued on and on while pacing as Hunter just sat there unbothered as usual. "And then you refuse to tell me what you're planning." She said finally facing him, with her back on us.

"Let's go." Sebastian hissed and we didn't wait a second before standing and moving fast out of the living-room and to the front door.

Sebastian almost ripped the door open and literally moved to close the door to our faces.

"This man can be a chicken." I mumbled chuckling. "He's not even waiting for us."

"I know. Where do you want to eat?" Jason asked grabbing my hand in his.

"I don't know. Ask Seb."

Seb stopped in front of his car and turn after unlocking it. "Just follow me. I know a good place. It's new." He said.

"Yes. You always know the food places."

"I'm married to food. I'll text Elena so she can meet us there." He said getting in his car. "Hurry up before mother comes out looking for us."

"Let's go."

I nodded and I quickly moved to his car and got in. He waited for Seb to get out before following him.

"So what happened?" Jason asked as soon as we drove past the gates.

"We saw Donovan. He said you got into a fight with his son. Is there any chance you would remember fighting with Kevin's nephew?"

"Baby, if I remembered all the people I've fought with, that would mean that I would the majority of men that are my age in this country."

"What kind of kid were you?" I mumbled.

"A difficult one. Now tell me. Did he know you?"

"I don't think so. He asked your mother if I was her daughter. He knows that's not possible. He was just acting stupid. And he talked about how your father fired him for asking your mother out."

He chuckled stopping at a red light. "Nice."

"But seriously. If Kevin introduces me to him, he might say that he saw me with your mother."

"We're not together anymore. You're still close to my family. You have to be, or we wouldn't trust you. You still hang out with Elena and Kevin and you pretend to still care about me so I wouldn't be suspicious." He said while looking at me. "You're good as long as we don't go out just the two of us."

I gasped placing my hand on my chest feigning to be hurt. "Are you hiding me?"

"I would if you let me, so I wouldn't have to share you." He said as his hand moved to the back of my neck before placing his lips on mine.

"Weirdo." I mumbled against his lips while placing my hand on his cheek.

I almost jumped out my skin when I heard horn behind. I went to pull away but Jason pulled me back and kissed me again like he didn't hear anything.

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