Chapter 43

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"Victoria." I heard my name being whispered making look up from my work.

I saw Stella slowly walked and closed the door quietly while glancing at my mom.

"Hi Stella."

"How is she?" She asked walking closer.

"She's good. She's has been sleeping a lot since yesterday because of the painkillers for her head." I said putting my things aside.

"I thought I was going to find Jason here. Where is he? Did you tell him?" She asked.

"No. Not yet. But I will." I said quietly.


I am not going to tell him anything, but she doesn't need to worry about that.

She frowned slightly. "How come? Is everything alright?"

I smiled lightly nodding. "Yeah. All good." I answered but she kept her confused expression. "Really. It's all good."

She nodded but she still looked confused. I could tell her what's wrong if I knew myself. But I didn't.


"The manager talked about that. He is not planning on selling now, though. At least that's what he said. He didn't sound very confident about his choice." Seb explained.
"What we can do is find another one or find a point that will make him gain more. Or you can put pressure on them, Vic. You're good at that."

I shook my head. "Negotiation first. Maybe we can increase the funds." I said.

"No. I'm not adding a cent to this. They talk too much and don't realize that we value our time too much to have them change the terms every minute. They take it or leave it. You tell them that." Jason said in a final tone.

"Jason, it won't change anything for us if we increase the f-"

"I said no."

I balled my fist trying my hardest not to jump over his desk to strangle. He has been doing this since I left his office two days ago.

It's frustrating because it's just feels like my first months with him. He was always doing that, which was causing me to go home and cry every day, because I wanted to quit but couldn't. But he's gonna need to do more than that to make me cry. Right now, he is just making me angry.

Seb furrowed his eyebrows as I just sat there glaring at Jason who just looked stared back completely unbothered.

"Okay. What the hell is wrong between you two?" Seb asked. "You have been acting weird since I came back."

"Ask your brother."

I just grabbed my laptop and turned to storm out of his office.

He can eat his funds.

I was fuming as I walked from his office to mine. Lydia even looked confused probably because I looked like I was going to explode, which was right.

The only problem was that the closer I got to my office, my anger started turning into sorrow.
I wished I knew what was wrong with him. If I did something, he could tell me instead of acting like a complete jerk.

I closed my office door and leaned against it closing my eyes tightly when I felt a tightness on my chest.

Don't cry. I chanted repeatedly while walking to my desk.

My Love, My mistake (Knight family book#2)Where stories live. Discover now