Chapter 65

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Chapter 65 is up if you haven't read it yet. Enjoy!


"This is the second time." Stella hissed clenching her shaking fists. "First Jason, now Elena."

"We'll find her." Her husband said placing wrapping his hand around one of her shaking fists.

"What is this man trying to get from this?" She snapped turning to face him. "Nothing. He is just plain evil and tries to just hurt us." She said shaking her head. "But not with my daughter."

They had let this go too far. That man got out of hand years ago, but she's just now realizing that jail shouldn't even have an option for him. Kevin was just far too gone.

She used to think that going to prison would have made him realize his mistakes and change. He came out hating them even more than he did before. And this time, without even a real objective, except to cause pain.

The man doesn't even seem worried about his brother and nephew and she's not even surprised by that. And she honestly couldn't care less what was going on in his head.

"And Victoria. She got in this mess because of our family's problems in the first place." She said placing her fingers on either side of her temple.

"We'll find them." He said trying his best to use a calm voice for his wife. "I just need you to stay with Rose."

"I know we will. That doesn't make it okay. That bastard is done for, Hunter. I mean it." She slightly turned to look at him as her fists clenched even more at her sides as he led her to the front door.

"I know." He said again in a calm voice, that hid the storm inside of him, looking at her. "Just make sure Rose stays calm."

"I'll take care of her." She nodded wiping her tears away as they walked out of their front door. "Please, just find my girls."

I will. He thought. And this is the last time he will let the man touch his family.


"Where is she?" Rose asked looking around her frantically. "I told you." She hissed looking at the man in front of her. "Those devils took her."

Steve took a look at her agitated form after finally managing to stop her tears. He knew that asking her questions won't get him anymore and will only increase her anxiety. She was just as confused as he was and seemed unable to answer his questions without going into a state of panic.

The fact that he was asking her questions without letting her know that their daughter was missing makes this situation even more complicated and frustrating for her.

Though hearing her talk, there was no doubt that she knew what was going on.

"Stop worrying." Steve said pushing her toward the couch. "She's with Elena, remember? They are shopping for the wedding."

"You're lying to me." She shook her head as her hands found their way into her coils before letting out a sob. "You're lying to me. Where is she? Where is my little girl?"


"They took my daughter? It's because of them? Those devils! They got my daughter in this. The crazy man promised that he would make her happy, and now, where is she? He doesn't even know." She said and her voice kept getting lower with each word.

"Please. Calm down. Our girl's fine." He said grabbing her shaking hands but she quickly pulled them away.

"You're lying again!" She shook her head anxiously again as her loud voice resonated in the room. "Where is my daughter!?" She yelled abruptly standing up. "Where is she!?" She yelled again as her nurse came rushing into the living into the living-room a glass of water in her hands.

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