Chapter 9

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Why would someone try to use my computer? Who would?

That was seriously bothering me. I don't want to loose my job over things like that. And I obviously didn't want anything bad to happen.

I hope I didn't make ennemies in here.

Well appart from Cindy. But she just has a work crush. She will get over it, right?

And I don't even think she would hate me just because Jason turned down her invitation. That would be immature.
I didn't tell Jason to turn her invitation down.

I huffed and looked out of the window of the café I was currently sitting in.

"Is this seat taken?" I looked up at the voice that interrupted my thoughts.

I looked up to see a blond man looking down at me with a smile.

"Umh... No." I answered looking around slightly.

He sat down and looked at me with a smile. "I didn't mean to bother you. But you looked worried and in deep thoughts." He said.

I just looked at him confused.

And he cares because...

He looked at my face and put his hands up in surrender. "I just wanted to know what was bothering you." He explained.
"I'm Dean." He smiled taking his hand out.

"Victoria." I answered shaking his hand.

"So Victoria. What has you worried?"

"Do you always just talk with strangers to make them talk about their problems?" I asked crowding my arms.

He laughed lightly. "No. But I needed an excuse to come and talk to you."

Make it awkward for him, Vicky.

I just looked at him not saying anything. "Talk to me about what?"

"Yourself." He answered resting his arms on the table.

"I don't like talking about myself." I answered.

And specially not to strangers.

"If you don't, how will I get to know you?" He asked still smiling.

I shook my head and looked down at the watch on my wrist. I just don't like talking to strangers like that.

"I have to go." I said standing up.

"Wait. Can you at least give me your number?" He asked as I took my purse.

I sighed. "I don't think it's a good idea."

"Oh Come on. Please." He sighed as his shoulders dropped. "You are not married because I don't see a ring. But you maybe have a boyfriend, don't you?"

"No I don't, but-" I stopped myself and looked at him.

He laughed lightly. "That's great. Come on. I promise I don't bite. What's the worst that can happen?"

What's the worst that can happen?

If I say yes, he would probably ask me out. I spent years rejecting men because of my mom's condition, then my studies, then my job.

So saying yes once wouldn't hurt.


"Just your number. I promise if I'm not worth your time, I'll leave you alone." He smiled again taking his phone out of his pocket and handing it to me.
"I just need one date."

My Love, My mistake (Knight family book#2)Where stories live. Discover now