Chapter 40

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"Victoria. I'm home."

I smiled at Elena's voice and got out of bed after placing my computer aside.

Still trying to get some work done, but failing.

I walked out of my room and directly went to meet her. I wasn't even surprised when she pulled me into a hug before I could even see her.

"Are you okay?" She asked. "Stupid question. Of course you're not. What happened?"

"She had an attack. Stronger than the previous ones." I replied as she pulled away. "Don't make me start crying again. How was your flight?"

"Long, lonely and painful." She frowned pulling me to the couch. "I don't like to see you like this."

"I'm fine."

Her frown deepened as my front door opened and slammed shut.
Jason appeared with a plastic bag in his hands. He furrowed his eyebrows when he saw Elena and came closer to us.

"Hi." Jason said before placing a kiss on her forehead. "Didn't I tell you to wait for Seb?"

"You knew I wasn't going to listen to you." She said before looking at the bag he was holding. "That's ice cream." She gasped reaching for it but he pulled it away.

"And not for you. It's for Victoria." He said pulling it away as she tried to reach for it again.

"Victoria will share with me." She frowned turning to look at me. "Right?"

"Yeah." I smiled as she snatched the bag from her brother.

So cute.

Jason huffed annoyed and came to the couch as Elena sat on the carpet and opened the bucket before grabbing the plastic spoon that came with it.

Jason sat beside me with a satisfied smile on his face before wrapping an arm around my shoulder.

"It's done." He said.

"Really?" I smiled and he nodded.


"What is done?" Elena asked looking at the both of us.

"Victoria's doing something mean." Jason said and Elena faked a gasp while placing her hand on her mouth.

"Victoria. I'm so disappointed and proud at the same time. What is it?" She asked straightening up.

"Since Benny tried to hack our system again yesterday and failed, she decided to do him the same thing. You'll go with her and see."

Elena looked from her ice cream. "You burned his studio?"

I shook my head. "No."

"Not yet." Jason said over me. "Carlos will go with you."

Elena grinned shoving ice cream in her mouth. "I'm in. What exactly did you guys do?"

"Something that involves acid and water. You'll see when we get there. Just know that your brother is a genius." I smiled.


"If he was a good guy, I would say he was good. But since he isn't, I find his paintings disgusting." Elena said faking gag.

"I know. That's a shame." I said looking around to see a lot of paintings hanging on the walls.

I walked close to one of them and saw the little bullet that was placed on the border of the frame slightly touching the painting.

Really a shame.


I looked away when I heard my name and saw Dean.

"Hi." He said quietly before greeting Elena who just ignored him before rolling her eyes.
"What are you doing here?" He asked slowly as his eyes moved to me.

"You don't want me here?" I asked and he quickly shook his head.

"No. It's not that. I'm just surprised to see you here."

"You shouldn't be. I like art, Remember?"

"Yeah I remember." He said glancing at Carlos who just joined us after parking the car.

Dean excused himself, when someone called his name, and walked away. I let out a sigh and turned to Elena.

"We won't be long. I'm sure you'll enjoy the show." I smiled looking at Elena then Carlos.

We just kept walking around and looking at the paintings as more people started coming in.

Elena suddenly squealed slightly and grinned before grabbing my hand.

I looked at the paintings and smiled lightly when some colors on the painting started disappearing and others started melting.

"For once I'm enjoying Jason's sadistic side." She smiled as people gasped and started whispering to each other.

"Me too."

"Now that's what I call art. I knew Jason had a poetic side in him." Carlos then said making us both laugh lightly.

Jason told me bullets of acid was placed on top of some of the painting and water on others. I just didn't know things were going to end up looking like this.

People whispering and gasps more and more paintings started loosing their colors.

Dean suddenly appeared practically running and stopped dead in his track.

"What the fuck?" He gasped loudly as people keep whispering among themselves.

"That's so much fun." Elena smiled widely.

My eyes were just glued on Dean as he kept looking at his works with wide eyes before his eyes landed on me. His expression turned from shock to confusion when a satisfied smile appeared on my face.

I didn't want to smile. I just couldn't help it.

I'm tired of being nice to those people. Kevin tried to kill my mom, as if ruining the Knights lives wasn't enough. Dean tried to ruin my work and failed, well we succeeded into ruining his.

The confusion was still evident on his face when he suddenly started walking toward us.

"Jason is really rubbing off on you so fast. It's scary. And I like it." Elena chuckled before grabbing her phone. "Let me send him pictures of his art."

I nodded smiling and walked to each frame snapping pictures.


My smile disappeared as I turned to look at Dean. "You're good. They were beautiful. But what happened?"

He just looked at me, probably not knowing what to think or if he just imagined my smile. All I know is that I couldn't pretend to be concerned because I was happy.

"I... I don't know. It seems like someone tried to sabotage my work."

I kissed my teeth looking at him. "That's too bad. I know the feeling."

His expression turned slightly shocked again. "Victoria-"

I cut him off. "I just came to see your works, but it seems like someone doesn't really like you if they're willing to do that." I said as Elena came back to my side.

"I'm ready to go." She said grinning while shoving her phone in her purse.

"Goodbye Dean." I said before Elena and I walked toward the exit with Carlos leading us.

That will teach. He will think twice next time he tries to hack our system. I don't even feel back. Every time he hits, I'll make sure to hit even harder.

"That was wonderful." Elena giggled looking through the pictures as soon as we got in the car.

"I know." I laughed grabbing the phone from her. "That will teach him."

My Love, My mistake (Knight family book#2)Where stories live. Discover now