Chapter 57

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Okay guys! I can put forced marriage back, even if it's not done being edited. People told me that they didn't care.

If you don't mind the errors, prepare to receive more than 58 notifications at once.

It was my first book and I was still learning English and how to write stories.


"Have you seen my daughter's wrist?" Steve asked placing the blood-stained cutter on the table. "She has a scar there. Did you do it?"

"No." Donovan whimpered lowering his head. "It was Kevin."

Steve nodded leaning against the table his eyes glued on Donovan's now thumb less hands. They've been here for less than an hour and the man already fainted four times. So, it was fun for him to put others in pain but can't take a little revenge.

"Did you have fun tormenting my child?"

Donovan shook his head weakly as a sob escaped. "No."

"God, I love seeing you in so much pain." He said crossing his arms over his chest. "I've been tied up too and tortured all these years. But I could care less about that. What pisses me off is you going after my family."

"I'm sorry."

Steve chuckled dropping his head before reaching for a knife in the bag. "You know my daughter believes I'm dead and nobody believes a word my wife says. Why would you try to burn a five year and a woman alive?" he asked looking at him.

"I'm sorry."

Steve walked closed before slowly pushing the knife into his shoulder. Donovan let out a agonizing scream.

"I asked you a question?" He repeated moving back to his spot. "Why would you do that?"

"I wanted to-"

"To what?"

"I wanted to... to cut your ties."

"To them?" Steve laughed humorlessly. "And you thought that I would have spared you if you succeeded into killing them. Are you stupid?"

Donovan let out another sob when he moved closer. "Relax. I'm just taking this out. You terrorized my daughter and she took it like a champ. Look at you sobbing like a little bitch." He said grabbing the knife twisting before pulling it out, causing Donovan to let out ear pierce cry before his head dropped.

"Hey." Steve slapped his forehead but obtained no response.

He was out again.

"You can't be serious." He muttered looking at the unconscious man. "Keep fainting. I have a lot of time to spare."


"Thank God. I was starting to worry. What happened?" I asked as soon Jason walked through the door.

I walked up to him before wrapping my arms around his neck to pull him into a hug.

"We took care of everything." He said moving his arms around me.

"Tell me more because I kind of have to worry. Did you take him to jail?" I asked pulling back to look at him.


"You didn't kill him, did you?" I asked slowly, fearing the answer.

"Nope." He answered and I gave him an annoyed look.

"Then what happened Jason?"

"I'm not sure you want to know, Vicky. He's with Sebastian." He said drawing circles on my back.

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