Chapter 69

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*** Victoria's POV ***

"Wake up!" The loud voice was followed by a pillow hitting me in the head. I jumped up whipping my head toward the source my upcoming headache.

"Elena." I groaned burying my face in my hands. "Why are you like this?"

"We have a wedding to prepare and you're here sleeping like you have no problem in the world."

"It's Sunday."

"I don't care. Like I said, we have a wedding to prepare."

"I know."

"No, you don't." She said grabbing my hands to try and pull me up. "If you did, you wouldn't still be in bed."

"I am human, unlike you." I mumbled pulling the covers over my head. "I need a few minutes to fully wake up, or two hours."

She stayed silent for a few seconds and I almost thought that she was going to leave me alone for a few more minutes until I felt her hands grab my covers.

"If it was my wedding, I wouldn't be as relaxed as you are right now." She said pulling the covers from me and threw them on the floor, then proceed to grab all the pillows on the bed to do throw them away as well.

I groaned wrapping my arms around myself and closing my eyes tightly. "You have issues."

"You're the one with issues right now." She hissed placing her hands on her hips looking down at me in a reprimanding way. "We have to finish taking care of the menu, so we have an appointment with the caterers again. My mom will join us there. Then we have to go to the shop for your first fitting, followed by our appointment to the jeweler."

I opened one eye looking at her as she tapped her foot impatiently.

"Victoria get out of bed before I go grab a bucket of ice water."

"You're crazy." I sat up knowing she was dead serious.


I got out of bed and then blinked in confusion when I turned my head to look outside. I looked at the turned-on lights of my bedroom, then looked outside once more.

"Elena, the sun isn't even out yet!" I yelled, looking at the still dark sky, before I could stop myself.

"It is coming out. It already started on my way here." She said pointing toward the glass. "We have to go to the shop before anything so we can take care of the flowers orders. Those always cause problems."

I sighed and reluctantly went to the bathroom as she pulled out her phone.

"We have less than six weeks to take care of everything. I want your day to be perfect and believe me, it will be." She lowered her phone with a smile before pointing toward the bathroom. "So, go get ready."

She was demanding but I was grateful to have her here. I wouldn't even know where to start if she wasn't here. I could have hired someone but I'm sure they wouldn't have taken care of it the way she has been doing for the past two weeks, even without me.

It's pretty obvious that she's enjoying herself, while also driving everyone else crazy according to Jason. She's been doing most of it while I was still trying to catch up with my work. She was too impatient to wait, so she started without me. Now that I was up to date with all my work, I had no excuse anymore. I know she's going to use all my free time.

We had six weeks to prepare everything, and it is all I could think about these past two weeks, making it harder to focus on my work. Tons of ideas and images would just pop in my head out of nowhere and then I would find myself sportiest goofy smiles. Smiles that often come without me even noticing them.

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