Chapter 64

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"You're going to pay for this." Elena's voice was the first thing I heard in my confusion. "Victoria?" I heard her again but still couldn't find it in me to react. "Victoria, come on." She said again and I opened my eyes with a small groan.

I winced a little as I tried to let my eyes adjust a little.


I slowly turned my head to the side to see Elena looking at me with a small frown.

"Thank God you're finally awake." She said.

I tried to move my body in vain. The only sound I could hear was Elena's voice and clanking sound. I moved my body again and only then did I realize that my hands were tied by two thick cuffs behind my back. I tried to move a little from where I was sitting and looked up slowly to see that the clanking sound came from the wall behind me.

I looked back in front of me to see Kevin sitting on a chair by a metal door looking directly at me. I looked around slowly to see a square room with no windows, white walls were surrounding us. I looked down and saw the white mattress we were both sitting on.


I looked at Elena when I heard my name. her hands were also tied behind her back.

"She just woke up. She's going to react slowly for a few minutes." Kevin said standing up from his seat.

"What the hell in wrong with you?" She snapped glaring at him.

"Shut up Elena." Kevin growled before closer to where we were sitting. "I already have plans for you better keep your mouth shut, before you make things worse for yourself."

"You're really crazier than we thought." She snapped looking at him angrily. "Don't think for one second that you will get away with this."

He shook his head before looking at her with a disgusted expression. "You're as loud mouthed as your brother was. Your arrogance disgusts me."

"And your cowardice disgusts me." She hissed angrily pulling at the chains. "Why didn't you go after Jason or Sebastian?" She asked looking at him with clenched teeth. "You only had the guts to go after my brother when he was a child. You're a coward!" She snapped the last sentence loudly causing him to take a step forward and angrily grip onto her hair before pulling her head back.

He pulled at her hair holding her up to her knees.

"You're going to pay to putting your hands on me like that." She hissed glaring right into his eyes. "If you're what you say you are, untie me and try to pull my hair again."

"I told you to keep your mouth shut."

"Let go of me." She hissed back looking at him viciously.

He let out a small bitter laugh at he before speaking again. "You should be like Vicky and stay quiet."

"You can say that when she hasn't completely recovered."

"It looks like you have your father's temper." He said pulling her hair harder. "That's not a good thing."

"And I can defend myself just as well, so untie me."

"If you knew what was coming for you, you wouldn't be running your mouth like that." He pushed her away roughly before standing up.

"I'll be back later. You two better behave." He hissed opening the heavy metal door before slamming it shut as soon he exited the room.

"Victoria." Elena quickly said shifting closer to me, as far as the chains would let her. "How is your head? Are you still feeling dizzy?"

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