Chapter 34

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"I hate planes." Elena complained for the hundredth time today, while sitting down.

"Just shut up already." Sebastian snapped back, also for the hundredth time.

I just took a seat, knowing that their argument wouldn't last. We were on the plane, to go to Italy. So I don't if Elena is agitated because of that, or if it's really because she hates planes.

I was staring at my phone, stressed about having to leave my mother, even for a few days. I just wish nothing will happen while I'm away, or I'm going to loose my mind.

"Stop stressing. I can see your hair falling off." Jason sat next to me and grabbed the phone from my hand. "My mom knows what to do."

"I know. I can't help it." I sighed. "In moments like this, I wish I had siblings."

"No you don't." He wrapped arm around my shoulder before looking at them.

I looked at Elena and Sebastian to find them still arguing about God knows what.

"Stop. They are wonderful."

"They are. But I'm not gonna tell them that."

I shook my head before resting it on his shoulder.

"I think I was five when they told me that I had to share everything. I remember them telling me where babies came from. I was curious about it back then. But when I started understanding what they were talking about, it was-" He paused, probably not finding the right word.

"Scary?" I laughed at the disgusted look on his face.

"I can't even find the right word. My mom just told me that I was explaining it to people at my aunt's wedding after that." He said and I burst out laughing, looking at him wondering if he was serious.

"Are you really serious?" I asked and he nodded smiling. "How old were you?"

"Four or five. Apparently, I had no filter."

"Well nothing has changed." I mumbled. "I'm just sure you were nicer back then."

"I don't think so. You can't talk. I had to force you to tell me about your childhood."

I don't really have anything to say about my childhood. I was going home straight from school everyday. And then I started working for Jason, and he killed me with the work and made my life miserable in the first couple of years.

He used to tell me that I had to get used to it, if I wanted to have a position there. I wanted to work there really bad, but that didn't mean he could torture me.

I really thought he wanted me to quit, and that's why he was that hard. I can't count the amount of time I cried because of him.

"What's with the face?"

I shook my head. "Nothing. Just thinking about what a horrible human being you are."

"I know. Well you never want to talk about your childhood."

"Well there's nothing you don't know already, since you did some background research on me when I started at your company." I said and he looked at me furrowing his eyebrows. "Kevin told me."

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