Chapter 35

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"You have one of the best views from this suite, ma'am." The bellman smiled opening the last curtains that was closed.

"Thank you- umh-"

"Ricardo." He smiled wider moving his hands to his hands.

"Thank you Ricardo." I smiled back as he went to push the rest of my suitcases in the room.

"If you need anything else. Please l-"

"That would be all."

My reaction was like a reflex as I turned and gave Jason a deadly look. I'm sure he knows I was looking at him, but he just ignore me and gave the man the tip before telling him to leave.

I fought the urge to stomp my foot when Ricardo nodded slightly and walked out.

I kept my gaze on Jason as he closed the door behind him.

"Do you need to be so rude?"

"Yes." He replied and I rolled my eyes at him. "My suite is next to yours, if you need anything, you ask me. So I don't know why he was saying that."

"Out of courtesy and kindness. You should try sometime."

I turned and walked toward the bedroom. Happiness took over my body as I sat the bed in front of me.

"I'm exhausted." I groaned dropping on the bed, something I've been thinking about the moment we got off the plane.

"I can see that." He sat on the couch near the glass giving a beautiful view of the city.

All I wanted was to sleep, but Elena wants us to go out for dinner. She literally threatened us, so I'm here debating if my life is worth leaving this comfy bed.

I pulled the duvet tight on me and moaned slightly. The bed sheets are so soft. It's like I'm laying on clouds.

"Feels good?" Jason asked and I looked at him to see him smiling softly at me.

"You have no idea. I just want to sleep." I groaned with closed eyes kicking my shoes off.

My mom suddenly came to my mind and my eyes opened again.

"I wonder how my mom is." I took my purse to take my phone.

"My mom is taking care of her, Vic. Your mom is fine. You can call her tomorrow."

"Yeah. Your mom would have called me if there was something wrong." I said standing up and looking down at the black screen of my phone.

"You're always stressed about something. come here." He patted his thigh.

"I can't help it." I whined walking closer and sat on him.

I felt only contentment at the view beneath us. I don't know know if it was the lights reflection on the water, or the fact that it was beautiful without needing skyscrapers. But it is really satisfying.

"Beautiful." I said mostly to myself, but Jason had to hear it.

"Complimenting yourself is cockiness, Victoria." He stated with a smile.

He laughed pushing him away slightly. "I was talking about the city."

He scoffed pulling me back. "Yeah right."

I just shook my head and chose to ignore. We could be going back and forth with that for hours and I'm way too tired for that.

"I really love it here already. I think I'm gonna move in here when I'm old and close to death." I sighed wrapping my arms around his neck.

"Close to death? You're insane." He chuckled wrapping his arms around my waist .

I didn't say anything after that. He just tightened his hold around me, as we sat in a comfortable silence just staring outside.

So I was slightly annoyed when my phone started buzzing, causing Jason to groan.

"Just throw it away." He went to grab it but I quickly took it from the table.

It was a text from Elena.

"She wants us all to start getting for dinner and be out in an hour." I said after reading the text.

He groaned again. "Don't answer. She'll think you're asleep."

"No. I'll feel bad then, if I do that." I smiled replying to her before putting my phone back down.

I also thought about the fact that I never told him anything about my love for him. He is the one that first came onto me, and he never asked me anything in return.

Did he know already? Did he just want to give me time? Or maybe he wasn't curious about it at all.

It wouldn't be wrong of me to tell him that I love him. It wouldn't kill me to just say it, because sometimes I just really want to. I just don't know why I always stop myself.

"I love you." I finally said so quietly I thought he wouldn't hear it.

But his hands paused before he looked at me, which was the confirmation that he actually heard me.

I gulped slightly wondering if I should repeat myself, or pretend I didn't say anything. But he was just staring at me, as if waiting for me to reapeat.

I took a deep breath and started again. "I'm in love with you. I've been for years. I was just too scared to tell you."


I've said it.

And I was surprisingly calm after I've said it out loud.

Way too calm.

Or maybe it's because he was close. Maybe when I'm alone, I would be freaking out, and beating myself up for telling him.

Or maybe I'll start crying and telling myself how stupid I was to tell him. But right now, what I would do after really didn't matter. What mattered was that I've told him. And right now, I'm not regretting anything.

It's been years. I kept it for myself.
I told him, and I didn't die from it. It actually feels good to be able to get it out of my chest. Well it feels good for now.

I looked down at him as he just looked at me silently.

"You don't have to say it. I just wanted you to know. I don't want you to say it until you really mean it." I smiled reassuringly running my hand through his hair and his hands tightened slightly on my waist.

I really mean it. I didn't say it so he could say it back. I said it just to get it out of my chest, and because I want him to know.

"We should go get ready now, before Elena starts looking for us."

"Yeah." He cleared his throat. "Let's go."


Jason said from the beginning that he wasn't sure about being in love with her. It's not like he's treating her wrong. So just relax <3

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