Chapter 12 (part 2)

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Soooo some of you talking about how little effort Jason put into saying he likes her, or some romantic stuffs. You haven't seen anything yet. Remember the title! You're gonna be pulling your hair out as it goes. So stoooooppp complaining!

If you have a problem with Jason growing up and still hate Hunter, this book is NOT for you 😂. He has to grow up. You should have known that he was going to be like his father!

Seb is the one that took a little from his mother, Elena is another specimen of Knight. You'll understand why.

Enjoy a little bonus chapter. I was going to put it on the next full chapter. But here you go!

Love you!!


**Before Jason went to Victoria's house**

** Third POV **

"So you're seriously not going to tell dad that you had plans tonight." Sebastian asked as he waited for his brother to finish his work.

"I already told Victoria." Jason sighed his eyes not leaving the screen.

"Remember all those stories about dad being stup- not smart and loosing five years with mom?" Sebastian started and Jason laughed.

"Nice! Stup- not smart." He smiled. "I know. I spent a lot of time watching mom pretend she didn't want to kill him. Vague memories but some are still clear."

His brother narrowed his eyes at him. "Shut up. He has ears everywhere. Anyways, but that I mean that I know you fucking like her and don't want to admit it or do anything about it and I wanna know fucking why?"

"Just give up. Now is not the time. She's only been official in this company for a damn year."

"Okay then, while you make your maths, she can be dating other men right?" He asked. "Because you won't make a move on her. You wouldn't mind."

Jason stopped typing and turned to look at him. Sebastian smirked wiggling his eyebrows.

"Now we are getting somewhere."

"No we're not."

Sebastian laughed lowly. "Why are you so damn stubborn? Just go see her. I saw you trying to find things about Dean Kyle."

Jason looked at him in annoyance. "Do I need to change my password for you to stop going through my computer?"

Seb just ignored his question. "Since he is not an employee or anything. Why would you try to find things about him?"

"It's none of your fucking business." Jason groaned slamming his computer close.

"See? That's the type of reaction that shows me that it has something to do with Victoria." He said. "I know you so well. I should get an award."

"If you are so good with relationships. Why are you still single?" Jason asked narrowing his eyes at him.

"I like variety and I'm not the one in love here." Sebastian shrugged and waited.

Jason sighed rubbing his face with his hands.

His fucker of a brother has a point though, as much as he hated to admit it.

"And you didn't deny it." Sebastian looked at him in fake disappointment. "Like I said. Smart but stupid with one woman. What did they teach you in Harvard?"

"So what? Am I supposed to just call dad and cancel with him?"

"Yes!" Sebastian exclaimed. "We can do it tomorrow or something."

Jason sighed and grabbed his phone, dailing his father's number.

Well then, someone just needed a boost, Sebastian thought as he watch his brother talk to his father.

He stood up when he saw Jason hanging up before standing.

"Where are you going?"

"None of your business." Jason hissed walking toward the door.

"You're going to see your Vicky."

"None of your business."

"You are! I am the only man with an actual heart in this family." He said. "But I'm always right."

"Whatever." Jason muttered walking out of the office.

"Don't thank me. That would be too nice." He yelled with a grin following his brother.

My Love, My mistake (Knight family book#2)Where stories live. Discover now