Chapter 25

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Chapter is up!! Enjoy if you haven't read it yet <3 <3


"So what did you guys talk about?" Jason asked when I walked into his office after my lunch with Stella.

"Things. About life and death." I said smiling.

"Tell me." He demanded and I scoffed at his tone.

I walked closer to his desk and stood there. "Jason, you can't know everything."

"Yes, I can."

"Then let your curiosity kill you, because I am not telling you." I said and he looked away from me annoyed. "Jason?"

He didn't answer and I rolled my eyes smiling at his behavior. The man doesn't take negative answers.

I walked around the table and leaned against it facing him.

"Don't be mad. We just talked about my mother and you." I smiled placing my hand on the side of his face to turn his head back to me.

"And what about me?" He asked looking back at me interested.

"How infuriating and annoying you are?"

He grabbed my hand and jerked me to him and let out a gasp falling on his lap. "I can feel the love. What did you say?"

"Jason, nothing you need to worry about." I sighed. "And this is not appropriate for the office." I said mentioning our position.

"I don't care." He shrugged and I placed my arms around his neck.

"And you're supposed to be the example around here."

He hummed wrapping his arms tighter around me. "I never said I wanted to be an example." He said and I shivered slightly when he brushed his lips against my neck.

Brain vs heart. That's exactly what was happening right now.

My brain kept reminding me that we were in the office.

And my heart was telling me that it didn't matter.

"Jason stop." I finally managed to say placing my hands on his shoulders.

"I don't want to." He groaned pulling me more against him.

"Jason." I weakly said pushing on his shoulders.

He huffed in annoyance and pulled away slightly. "We found things about Kevin and his brother. So I have to meet my father tonight. Then I'll come to your house."

"What did you find?"

"Nothing important really. Just some past actions. I'll tell you later." He said and I nodded slightly.

I'm surprised. He always tells me that they haven't found a lot, but he is always fast when he wants to do some research about someone.

I sighed lightly and pushed the thoughts away. If he tells me he hasn't found anything. Then he hasn't.


I always leave the lights in the living room on, because I hate coming home and to find everything dark. And also because I don't to fall or hurt myself.

That's why I was annoyed when I was all my lights off. So the first thing I did was turn the light at the entrance.

I placed my keys on the table by the front door and slowly walked to the living-room, the clicking of my heels being the only sound around me.

My Love, My mistake (Knight family book#2)Where stories live. Discover now