Chapter 45

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More will be explained in the next chapter! Enjoy.


I sat in my car and stared at the house in front of me while rubbing my palms together.

I was at the address Kevin gave. And I know he's already waiting for me. I wasn't scared, nor nervous. I just didn't like him.

He's going to live everybody alone. As if trying to kill my mother and putting those dark thoughts in her head wasn't enough, he just wants to hurt everyone.

Sometimes I really wonder about his sanity. Why can't he just move on? Did he not learn anything while he was in jail?

Why is revenge so important to him. Especially when he was the one who was responsible for his own loss.

You'll never be alone with him.

I tried to call myself by thinking about Jason's words. For once I'm glad he has me followed.

I finally got out of the car, and slowly looked around.

I'm not alone, that's for sure. But where are they?

I huffed and walked toward the house. I knocked as I stood in front of the door.

"It's open, Victoria." I heard him say.

I took a deep breath and opened the door and walked in.

"In here." He said again just I closed the door behind me.

I followed his voice which lead me to the living-room. He was there sitting on the couch when I walked in.

"Hi." I said looking around the room.

"Hi. How are you?" He smiled lightly.


"Have a seat." He said and I did sitting opposite of him. "Do you want something to drink?"

And Jason's voice came back in my head.

Don't eat or drink anything he gives you.

I wouldn't have anyways.

"No I'm good. Thanks."

"So tell me what happened? What did that son of a bitch do?" He asked as soon as I stood in front of him.

Stella is not a bitch. Asshole.

I cleared my throat. "Well he left me. He said he tried but couldn't do it anymore. He just started everything so I would stop listening to you. He said he promised he wouldn't hurt me as a friend, but never promised to return my feelings." I said and I honestly felt my eyes swell when I thought about how I felt when I really thought he was leaving me.

"Son of a bitch. I warned you, Vicky." He muttered.

"Donovan is Kevin's brother. He killed your father. Your mother didn't. I'm sorry. That's the only thing I haven't told you yet. I was waiting for the right time."

Jason's words kept repeating in my head. He told me that yesterday, which gave another reason to be even more mad at him.

I turned to him smiling lightly. "Yes you did. I should have listened. I was stupid. He played me like I was some idiot. I just don't like keeping anger in my heart."

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