Chapter 41

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Enjoy! <3


"Jason kicked me out of the living-room. It's not even his house. It's ours. Go tell him to leave." Elena frowned.

"He's your brother. You tell him." I smiled with my eyes glued on my screen.

She huffed and jumped on my bed before going under the duvet. "Pick me up at the shop when you go visit your mom tomorrow."

"Okay. Did you get to see Marco?" I asked remembering that she was supposed to. But knowing her, she probably chickened out.

"No." She frowned.

I knew it!

"Why not?"

"You guys left. I didn't want to see him without you or Jason." She sighed shoving her face in the pillow.

"Chicken." I smiled and she lifted her head up before grabbing the paper I had in my hands.

"I'm not. Take a break, for God's sake. You're giving me a headache."

I glared at her and went to grab my things but she threw them away before grabbing my laptop and putting it on the nightstand.

"So you don't dare bother your brother when he's working, but you take my work away."

"That's because he will bite my head off. I told you he kicked me out of the living-room."

I rolled my eyes at her. "Drama queen."

"I'm serious. He's being a jerk. I thought he would be in a better moon after what happened to Deny."

I'm not even gonna try to correct the name.

"We'll see." I said walking to the door.

"Don't go. You won't make it back."

I shook my head and told her that I would be right back before leaving the room.

Well she wasn't exaggerating because he seemed to be snapping at someone when I walked in the living-room.

"What the fuck do you want?" I heard him ask angrily at whoever was on the other line.

Always in a good mood.

"I don't have time for this." He grumbled lowly before hanging up.

I walked in the living-room while pushing my hair to my hair to one side and started braiding them.

"Is everything okay?" I asked.

He turned to face me and nodded. "Yeah."

My face twisted slightly in concern at his expression. "No it's not. You looked tensed. What is it?"

"Nothing." He sighed grabbing his keys. "I gotta go."


He lifted his hand up stopping me. "Victoria."

My frown deepened as I crossed my arms over my chest.

"I have to go. I'll see you later." He said and just walked away.

I stood there until I heard the door open and slam shut. I felt a pressure on my chest as I sat on the couch arm.

"He left?" Elena's confused voice made me look at her before nodding.

My Love, My mistake (Knight family book#2)Where stories live. Discover now