Chapter 27

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Chapter is up! Enjoy !


"Victoria!" I heard Jason snap, but I just ignore him and took off my heels.

Hiding things from me, when they concern me. Digging into my parents' past like that. Putting my mother's safety at risk. Having me followed.

I walked in my bedroom and slammed the door before taking my earrings off.

I huffed when I didn't hear the door close. I took off my earrings, well aware of Jason's eyes on me.

"You don't walk away from me when I'm talking."

"I can do whatever I want, since you also did." I said looking at him angrily.

"Like I said. If you want to explode in anger, you can. But I will do whatever I have to do."

"You listen to me." I hissed poking his chest. "You don't do whatever you want with my life and my mother. I don't want you to take care of anything. I will take care of my safety. Tell those men to leave."

He looked briefly at my finger, before looking back at me. "No."

"Do you really care about my mother's safety, or are you just worried about finding Kevin?" I finally asked and his angry expression didn't change once.

"What I see is that Kevin was here and told you something to poison your mind. And you're letting him. I know the relationship he had with your father." He said.

I crossed my arm and just stared at him.

"And yes I care about your mother's safety. I also care about yours. What did Kevin tell you?"

I shrugged still staring at him.

"You can be naive if you want to. But I will take care of this, whether you like it or not."

I shook my head and took a step away from him. "Leave me alone, Jason."

"I'll let you calm down, since you obviously don't want to listen. I'll see you tomorrow." He said and turned to leave without another word.

When I wanted to listen, he didn't tell me anything. Now that I know everything, he wants to tell me.

I didn't move when he walked out of my bedroom. Everything was so quiet that I jumped slightly when I heard the door slam loudly.

My knees almost instantly gave out as I let myself sit on the floor beside my bed.

He always tells to count on him and trusts him, how can I when he does things like this?

I let out a sob and leaned my head against my bed, thinking about what my mother must have gone through. What pushed her into the darkness. What pushed her to kill my father.

I slowly wiped my tears and stood up grabbing my things. I walked out of the bedroom, feeling completely drained.

I grabbed my car keys and just walked out. I walked toward the elevator looking slightly behind me. I just hate the fact that Jason has me followed. It has to stop. I just hate the feeling. I will make it stop.

I let out a sigh of relief when I got in my car and speed out, briefly looking at the rear view mirror.

Great. Now I'm just paranoid.

That thought went away when my phone started ringing. I took it and I rolled my eyes at Jason's name before declining the call.

His puppies must have told him that I left.

It started ringing again, and I declined it glancing at the rear view mirror again wondering if one of those cars were Jason's guys.

I slowed down when I realized how fast I was driving.

Never drive while upset. What is wrong with me?

I parked the car as soon as it was possible and leaned back against my seat. I look at the rear view mirror again when a saw the lights of a car stopping behind me.

My phone started ringing once again. I accepted the call this time before bringing the phone to my ear, not saying a word.

"What are you doing, Victoria?" I heard Jason say in a, weirdly, calm voice.

I didn't say anything and heard movements on the other line.

"Victoria, please talk to me." And I almost gave in at the tone on his voice.


"Tell them to leave." I said quickly, my voice sounding weird.


"Tell them to leave."

I heard him grumble something before agreeing.
I was just seconds before I see the car move and started driving away.

"You shouldn't drive while you're upset."

I didn't say anything and just close my eyes, not even finding the strength to drive anymore.

"I am sorry." He said again and my grip on the phone I felt the knot in my throat.

I was mad at him, but I was even more upset about my parents. He just should have told me. I wanted to hear it from him. Kevin, out of all the people, had to tell me.

"Victoria, I don't want you to be upset." He said again and I stayed quiet. "I'm really sorry."

I didn't say but I could feel my heart warm. It's not like I was controlling anyways. My heart had a mind of its own when it came to him.

"You know I never apologize. You can at least congratulate me, instead of letting me talk to myself." He said and a smile stretched on my face.

I can't even hang up. It doesn't matter how mad I am right now, just hearing his voice brings me comfort. And I really need it.

"I made a mistake. It won't happen again. Tell me you're not mad anymore."

I smiled again. He sounds cute, as much as I hate to admit it.

"You're smiling. That's a good start."

I frowned slightly in confusion, and jumped when I heard a knock at my window. Jason stood there with his phone on his ear.

"Unlock the door." He said and I shook my head.

I shook my head and a small smile appeared on his face.

"You're really stubborn. Please, unlock it."

I shook my head again.

"You know I drove through the desert, climbed a mountain and fought a dragon to get here." He said.

I turned my head so he wouldn't see me smile.

"I saw that." He said teasingly. "Please, princess."

My hand slowly moved to the door and I unlocked. The door opened as soon as I did.

"Come here." He hung up the phone and he grabbed my hands pulling me out.

"I'm really sorry." He breathed pulling me into his arms. "Don't do something like that again."

I nodded and he moved to my car to grab my keys and stuff, before closing the door.

"Come with me. Carlos will come to take your car."

I didn't protest as we moved to his car.

I am mad at him. But I still want to go home, and I still need him.

My Love, My mistake (Knight family book#2)Where stories live. Discover now