Chapter 59

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"Bigger Than Us" will be up tonight. Just realllyyyyy had to add something to the chapter  👀.

Sorry for the delay guys, I've been traveling with my parents, and my mom had this weird "no technology" rule so we can observe our surrounding. Don't know what she was talking about.


"Mom, what did you mean when you told me to not look without seeing?" I asked and her hands slowed down a little on my hair.

"The demon used to pay attention to small details. You have to do the same to see." She said and my frown deepened at her words.

She always speaks in riddles and it only increases my curiosity even more when I ask myself so many questions.

"See what?" I asked. "The demon?"

"He's never far."

"He's never far. Or is it his grave that is not far, mom?" I asked crossing my legs.

She stayed silent before pulling most of it in a bun and slowly started to comb through the bottom section of my wet hair.

"He's never far." She repeated and my frustration increased.

What do I conclude from that? He's never far?

The last time she told me that was the day Jason took me to my father's grave. But that grave is not close. It's a little far.

Does that mean that she's having visions on my dad? Or does she really see him?

The fact that Steve appears in my head every time I asked myself those questions irritates me beyond words, because I don't want to make assumptions that are not true. I'm not gonna let my mind conclude things like that.

His name being Steve doesn't mean anything.

"Steve what?" And Jason's question that I didn't want to acknowledge a few days ago appeared back in my head.

And now I really wanted to know.

What is Steve's last name?

"Ouch." I winced in pain and pulled away a little briefly looking at my mom. "Mom! Not that hard."

"Shush. I didn't do it hard at all." She said taking the bun down to pull another section.

I huffed as she pulled me back against her. "Yes, you did!"

"You need to stop moving, or it's gonna hurt." She said.

I fought back the groan that threatened to leave my mouth as I let her continue. At least she's doing something I've always had to force myself to do.

At least she didn't hit me with the comb like she used to before she got sick.


I hummed softly closing my laptop as I looked at my mother sleeping on her bed. She already watched a movie and fell asleep in the middle of the second one.

After almost ripping my scalp off.

I placed my laptop on the small table and stood up to moved closer to her. I reached for the remote to turn the TV off before sitting down to pull the cover over her. I kissed her cheek and slowly moved back and looked down at her with a soft smile.

I stood and tiptoed out of her room and slowly closed the door. I hummed as I walked down the hallway to go to the living-room.

I should have jumped in fright at the sight of Jason pacing in my living-room, but I didn't. I don't know how I got used to it.

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