Chapter 11

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"You didn't tell mom?" Jason asked.


"Why not?"

"Like I said. She will see danger everywhere and start worrying for nothing." Hunter explained. "Let's just wait a little. At least until we know what he's really up too. Maybe his time in jail made him smarter."

"I don't think so. But maybe crazier." Jason laughed. "We keep underestimating him but he can surprise us."

"Let him try." Hunter smile before they both turned to Sebastian who stayed silent.

Sebastian groaned loudly. "If you don't tell her and she finds out. She's gonna murder us. And why did you tell us that she didn't know. Jason and I could have pretended that we thought she knew." He finished.

"Aw. You're scared of mommy." Jason said in a mocking voice making his brother glare at him.

"Shut up."

"Well now, she will go Godzilla on the three of us." He smiled standing up. "Can you guys come home tonight? So I can tell you what was found about them."


"Yeah." Hunter paused by the door. "Do you guys have plans?"

"Nope." Sebastian sighed. "No life here, except for the good of our business."

"Yeah. I believe you." Hunter said sarcastically before turning to his older one. "Jason?"

"Umh... No. I'll see you tonight."

Hunter nodded before walking out of the office.

"Well then, thanks to Kevin for adding us more work." Sebastian mumbled looking at his brother. "What plans did you have?"

Jason looked at him confused. "What makes you think I had plans?"

"You hesitated before answering." Seb answered looking at him expectantly. "I know you, brother. Answer me."

Jason looked at him annoyed. "Stop. You're annoying."

"Yeah. And you still can't live without me. So tell me."


"So you had plans with Victoria. Why didn't you say so?" Sebastian asked loudly. "Dad would understand."

"Lower your fucking voice!" Jason groaned. "This is important, we have to find Kevin. And I'm sure she'll understand."

Sebastian shook his head. "You are so smart, yet so stupid." He sighed. "You like her, then why don't you make a move."

"I care about her. There's a difference." He snapped as his brother just looked at him.

"You like her. You don't want to admit it to yourself. And you expect her not to date anyone." Seb said. "Guess what? She will date someone if you keep doing that."

"No she won't." He said firmly.

She loves me, he thought.

"And who are you to decide that?" Sebastian asked before shaking his head standing up. "Whatever then. Take your time, Jason."

"I don't want to talk about that. And specially not with you. We always hang out. She will understand."

** Victoria's POV **

"What are you doing?" I looked up as Jason walked into my office.

"What do you think? Working and making money." I smiled dropping the pen that was currently in my hand. I looked at his face and sighed. "Still in a wonderful mood. Is everything okay?"

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