Chapter 47

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Donovan looked up from his computer. "And you're saying that Victoria is on our side now?"

"She's on no one's side. But she's not defending or trying to protect the Knights anymore. That's all that matters." Kevin explained calmly looking at his confused brother. "I'm not going to tell her everything. Don't worry. I'm not that stupid, and she still loves that fucker."

"That is a problem Kevin. We can't trust her fully yet." Donovan exclaimed dropping on the couch facing his brother. "Hunter will still keep eyes on her. What do you think?"

"We are not trusting her fully yet. I'm just trying to see how tied up to Jason she still is. Just relax." He groaned. "Why are you so scared? Her mother is too crazy to tell her you killed her father. And Victoria has a soft heart, she's not like that Steve's sadistic ass. That's why he didn't want her tainted. But she has a strong character, which makes her very stubborn."

"I'm not afraid of her finding out."

"No, you're just afraid of Steve coming back to murder your ass if something happens to his little flower." Kevin chuckled making his brother shiver slightly. "I'm just kidding. You're too tensed."

"Don't make jokes like that. It's not funny."

Kevin just shrugged.

"I just want to make sure we can trust her."

"Yes. As long as they don't have her on their side, and Jason was the only thing keeping her on their side."

"I'm still make sure she is not playing. You trust her too much. You just seem to accept whatever she's telling you without a second thought." Donovan said raising his eyebrows at his brother. "I hope, for all of our sakes, that whatever affection you have for her is just fatherly."

Kevin just stayed silent looking at his brother before moving his eyes back to his work.


"Hey mom." I beamed walking in the room with a bouquet of roses. "I brought you flowers. Your favorites."

She smiled sitting up on her bed. "How are you sweetheart?"

"I'm great." I smiled widely placing her flowers on the desk and turning to face her.

"I can see that. Why are in a good mood?" She asked as I sat on the bed still grinning. "I should be the creepy one, sweetheart. What's with the big smile?"

"First, I'm always in a good mood and, secondly, he asked me to marry him." I said and she nodded smiling.

"I know. He came here to ask me." She said.

Say what?

"He did?"

"Yes. And I told him yes but that you were still trying to be mad at him."

"I wasn't trying to be mad at him. I was mad at him." I retorted and she shook her head.

"You were trying." She said and I huffed.

"So you don't think it's going too fast?" I asked facing her.

"You've been friends for years. If anything, it's been too slow." She teased making me roll my eyes with a smile. "There's nothing better than marrying your best friend. Dating is not an obligation, especially in your case. He is not a stranger to you. There's really nothing new you're going to learn about him, and him about you." She said and I just sat there listening. "You two have been together for longer than you think, there was just the kissing and touching part missing."

"Mom!" I gasped and her smile widened.

"I'm right. I'm always right, my little flower."

"Whatever." I smiled laying down by her feet.

"And I want grandkids soon."

I gasped loudly again and sat up to find her closing her eyes with a teasing smile on her face. I just chuckled shaking my head at her.

She had been doing so much better since she left that psychiatric hospital. It makes me wonder what those doctors were doing to make her situation better. It should have been the other way around.

Their job is to make her better, so how come she's been better since she left that place. She still takes the same pills here, and there is one nurse for her. So what's the difference?

I like the way she is right now. And it keeps being that way. I'm taking a nurse and then she's going to live with me.


"So you two haven't been talking at all?" Kevin asked as soon as I placed my purse beside me on the couch.

"What is there to talk about? He wants us to keep being friends like before. But I can't do that. I can't pretend anymore." I explained. "We kind of have to talk to each other. He is still my boss and we work together. But that's all there is."

"Yeah. I can understand that. So, if I asked you for the password for the accounting department, will you give them to me?"


"Yes." I nodded.

"He will ask you for a way to access the accounting parts. Give them to him. And let Seb take care of the rest."I thought of Jason's words and wondered what was on their minds.

"But the passwords changes from time to time in that department. They have a little key that show them the current password at all time. It should be easy if I can get one of those." I explained and he smiled lightly.

"You would really do that?" He asked raising his eyebrows at me and I nodded.

"I'm leaving with my mother soon, and I'm not even sure if I am coming back, or just move somewhere else with her. I don't owe anything to the Knights, but they owe a lot to me for my hard work and for loving Jason, just to have him crush my hopes." I said. "They hurt you too, so if I can help you a little."

I mentally scoffed. If only he knew that I know that he was the one who tried to kill my mother. Is that a sibling thing?

"I would like you to meet my brother and nephew. Unfortunately, they are not here right now, but they will be next time you're here." He smiled and I just nodded at him.

The brother that killed my father. Then he tries to kill my mother. I don't even know why he killed my father. But I'm going to find out.

Kevin will get what he deserves. But Donovan killed my father. So it gets personal. I don't what he did to the Knights, but I'm also going to deal with him on my own way.

And why did Kevin try to kill my mother? Does she know something?

That also I'm going to find out. And when I do. Jail will be the easy way out for him.

No one hurts my mother.

No one.

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