Chapter 26

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My mom?

"It's the truth. That's when she started loosing it. Why do you think she would sometimes attack you for looking like the 'demon'. She could have killed you without even leaning to." He persisted when I shook my head in denial at his revelations.

"Why are you telling m-" I stopped when my voice cracked.

I took a deep breath when tears started storming down my cheeks.

I didn't mean to cry. But this was just too much to take in at once.

"I am telling you because no matter how fucked up he was, your father was like a brother to me. And since the Knights wouldn't tell you, I had to."

I scoffed through my tears and looked at him. "You expect me to believe you're not telling me this for your revenge?"

"I hate the Knights and I won't give up my goal. I want to destroy them. But you have nothing to do in that. You are another story to me. I wanted to hurt you at the beginning. But weirdly, every time I look at you. I see your father." He paused and let out a sigh.
"That's why I asked you to keep your lights off the last time. He was like a brother to me. And you are his daughter. It honestly pisses me off that I can't hurt you." He said leaning back against the couch.

"So how did the Knights know about my parents?"

"By stalking me." He laughed lowly. "Do you know Jason has men following you?" He asked and my shoulders sagged. "They don't care about anything. They just do whatever the fuck they want and expect you to follow. They don't care if I kill your mother or not. They just want to find me. And they knew I would contact you."

I shook my head lowering my head slightly.

Jason would risk my mother's life like that. I told him not to have me followed.

"And I'm sure you told them about my threat if you tell them. But Jason apparently didn't give a fuck, did he?"

"I... I didn't know. My mom doesn't have anything to do with this. Just please d-"

He rolled his eyes before cutting me off. "Calm down. I'm not worried about your mother, for now. I sent the flowers to your mom. I'm the one she calls the 'black cat', and the Knights also know."

I didn't say anything. I didn't know what to say.

"I hate the Knights. And I honestly don't care about your mother. But your father was a brother to me. And you are his blood. So if you need answers, call me." He said placing a card on the table.

I looked at the card hesitant. Should I grab it, or tell him to go to hell?

"Like I said, Jason has you followed. They must have informed him I am here. So just call me if you need anything. I couldn't be there when your father needed me, but I can be there for you. You are not alone, Victoria."

He was just looking at me and I did the same, not saying anything.

"Now you know almost all the things the Knights were hiding from you." He said and I looked him furrowing my eyebrows.


With that, he just grabbed his gun and pulled on the trigger making me jump slightly and look at him with wide eyes.

"It was empty. I just needed you to listen." He smiled and walked away while I just sat there, not being able to move.

I still didn't move when I heard the door open and close, telling me that he left.

My Love, My mistake (Knight family book#2)Where stories live. Discover now